Posted on Oct 22, 2020
FBI: Lincoln Project NeverTrumpers Peddled Iranian Disinformation Meant To Help Biden
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Yes, RINO's are Republicans with a D in front of their name. But I honestly can't tell if you think that this news conference was a sham with the expectation that Trump is going to lose. Would you mind clarifying your position?
Cpl (Join to see)
The never-Trump "right" who created the lincoln project are so invested in their hatred, they are willing to throw all conservatives under the bus. It's a tantrum, nothing more and of course the left will parade them on every leftist talk show.
They don't like Trump because he is actively fighting against the status quo, or swamp. They have all been using the public trough to enrich themselves while using "public" left vs. right attacks as a shadow-show, but behind the cameras, they tickle each others assholes.
Think plato's cave allegory, the shadow-show is nothing but an illusion to keep us in the cave and afraid of the real world.
They don't like Trump because he is actively fighting against the status quo, or swamp. They have all been using the public trough to enrich themselves while using "public" left vs. right attacks as a shadow-show, but behind the cameras, they tickle each others assholes.
Think plato's cave allegory, the shadow-show is nothing but an illusion to keep us in the cave and afraid of the real world.
SSG Robert Ricci
Cpl (Join to see) I understood the article. I just couldn't tell what side of the argument you were on. It sounds like you are on the right side of it so no firing squad for you. LOL.
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