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Responses: 4
LTC Self Employed
National public radio and most other news outlets won't even discuss it period. But the Supreme Court Justice and her adopted kids are all over the news with gossett's and conjecture about her religious convictions and how it could affect the Supreme Court period. This shows how biased the media is because they are supposed to figure out the truth from the fiction but they won't even discuss it for everybody to make their own decision
PO3 Patricia Miner
PO3 Patricia Miner
4 y
Absolutely and this is the same party that shamed America when JFK was nominated. Wow I just realized he was another criminal who used the Teamsters and fear to win the vote. He wiretapped a whole list of people and kept files on them to blackmail them. They haven't changed. They've just moved further left, become more overt in their crimes and are definitely more vicious.
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CSM Charles Hayden
Edited 4 y ago
PO3 Patricia Miner Are fees for laundering money considered taxable income?
Remember, Al Capone was indicted on charges of not paying income taxes.
PO3 Patricia Miner
PO3 Patricia Miner
4 y
If that's the best they can do I think we should all take over the FBI, fire everyone and hire nothing but veterans who will swear an other to do the job without political agenda.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
4 y
PO3 Patricia Miner Like a girl friend used to say, whatever works! Apparently the FBI are acting as bystanders again.

IRS can be tough. Please do not verify that with Al Sharpton.
PO3 Patricia Miner
PO3 Patricia Miner
4 y
CSM Charles Hayden I believe all income is taxable. However, if they can prove he had income from it they can prove money laundering. I'd rather see him prosecuted for that. Most people can excuse not paying the IRS because they would find ways not to if they didn't fear the IRS and fines. Money laundering sounds like mob activity. That will never be okay in people's minds.

He has to be tried and convicted of a real crime to make the left stop spinning this. After all they still say Clinton was impeached because he had sex with an intern. They completely leave out he lied to a grand jury.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
The second time in 4 years the Democrats nominate a criminal to be President of The United States!
PO3 Patricia Miner
PO3 Patricia Miner
4 y
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