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Responses: 3
SSG Dennis R.
Had the putz in the Oval Office told the truth about the virus, promoted and modeled good behavior, and listened to the medical experts we'd not have over 200K dead in this country.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
4 y
SFC Bernard Walko - If people were wearing masks, social distancing and proper hygiene this whole time, then the 200,000 would be cut in half or more.

If the President wouldn't have been downplaying it (and still is) in public but saying it's deadlier than the flu in private, people might have been practicing all those things.

Maybe if he had been like the PM of New Zealand, we could have had over 100 days with no new cases and some semblance of normalcy.

The US is not doing terrific with the response. Yeah so terrific that nearly all countries have banned US citizens from traveling to their countries. Yep. We're "winning."
SGT Jonathan Persons
SGT Jonathan Persons
>1 y
I remember him trying to institute travel bans and being called racist.
But hey, you obviously have a bias, so you do you.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
You Reap what you sow. Now you have the highest prices and empty shelves. Thanks Brandon
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 4 y ago
I had to research why New Zealand was successful preparing for the pandemic. New Zealand combined strict physical distancing, contact tracing due to massive testing, clinical management of those infected, and clear and regular public communication. It also shut down its borders and quarantined people coming in. The country had 3 levels of alert and the third level require mandatory mask wearing. It even sent a chartered plane to Wuhan to retrieve repatriate New Zealanders.

Essentially speaking New Zealand took a rational approach to the pandemic to stunt it. The US started planning in earnest in late March when the pandemic grew past the point of controlling it. This is a good indictment of planning and executing early. New Zealand has 25 deaths. South Korea planned and execute contact tracing in February and has only 500 deaths.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
SPC Darnella Thompson - Early planning and executing is a key. I firmly believe masks help protect people. Every day in Japan millions rub elbows on crowded trains but their death total is only 1,500.

For your edification the National Response Framework is how we SHOULD respond to national emergencies. It specifies:
- Make a threat assessment early.
- Plan early.
- Order supplies early.
- Communicate with the people.

They are key tasks we did not execute.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
Trump is completely at remiss for saying the pandemic is behind us, espousing unsafe practices, and attacking scientists. This tells me he does not care if you or I die, he just wants to get reelected.
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SGT Jonathan Persons
I have friends who live in NZ. She is slightly less popular than cancer.
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