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Responses: 6
LTC Kevin B.
What's wrong with ending fracking via competition from cleaner energy sources? Conservatives are getting more desperate by the day in trying to drive angst against Biden.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
4 y
When do you see actual competition from wind and solar? It hasn't happened yet! And won't for decades. And the cost is staggering. No wind, slow current, or to much wind equals no generation of power. Therefore it's unreliable And a primary cause of electrical outages in my home state of California. To go off the grid with solar, you need Batteries at $15000 a Battery. My home would require two such batteries, @ $ 30000 with a life expectancy from 15 to 20 years. Several European countries have let several of there wind farms shut down because they weren't effective. And natural gas burns clean and is a good source of energy. The United States is the only nation on earth that meets its goals per the Paris climate accord even though we aren't bound by that agreement any longer! THANKS TO PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
4 y
Fracking turned people that didn't have two nickels to rub against each other prior to franking are now millionaires, I don't they are complaining
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
4 y
What's wrong is that so far "cleaner" energy sources aren't really cleaner and they can't really compete. I have full faith and confidence that will be cleaner and competitive at some time in the future. But government CANNOT pick a magical date and legislate the rate of technological advance. But I do know that free enterprise economies with minimal government intervention and restriction are historically much more adaptable and innovative then centrally planned economies that are heavily regulated.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
4 y
Nuclear is an will be the future of renewable energy.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
They both change their positions constantly depending on who they are standing in front of.
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Cpl Software Engineer
Lying to pander for votes... Say it ain't so! I find it ironic that the environuts think wind and solar is the future when wind and solar are killing entire eco-systems of birds while driving costs higher. Corn ethonol has a higher energy cost to create than it produces and it destroys engines further aggrevating consumer costs. Until there is a cheaper alternative like turning the nuke plants back on or fusion and/or hydrogen, there is nothing wrong with keeping consumer costs lower.

FYI, these envornmentalists have the right idea. They bought an oil rig that produces assets, i.e. OIL FOR SALE, used to research H2 as a fuel source where they have no fear of fracking to extract hydrogen from oil sands. The breaking eggs analogy works well here.
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