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Responses: 3
MSgt Mark Bucher
I gotta agree with my brother in blue on this one
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PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
He's making his reelection chances harder in some aspects but the Democrats are also making it easier on him as well. It's a toss up.
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SSG Robert Ricci
Edited 4 y ago
Why? Because the generals responsible for procurement and their nice deals with defense contractors and kickbacks were no longer being rubber-stamped? The president called all the generals in shortly after being elected and asked direct questions. Like why are we still in Germany 75 years after the end of World War II? You could hear crickets in the room. He asked other questions as well and the generals were slackjaw. Just because some guy in the White House disagrees with the president doesn't make the president wrong. He said he was going in to clean up the swamp. So what if a swamp creature speaks out against him? There's now an ever-growing list of people speaking for him. I would respectfully suggest it you educate yourself a bit before passing on garbage. Of course you're welcome to pass anything you want on. I'm nobody here. But some of us have spent a great deal of time studying political science as well as public policy.
SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
4 y
MSgt Neil Greenfield For someone that claims to be a Centrist you're actually choosing to vote to become a socialist country and you probably know that. You also probably know that Biden is senile. If he's not on a teleprompter he doesn't say it correctly. He is far behind gaffs now. He sits there doing virtual meetings reading a teleprompter. I hope they check his ears before the debate starts. No earwigs. But we'll see what the left-wing Democrat Chris Wallace throws at him as far as softball questions even though he's from Fox.

See that's another thing about Fox is that they actually have employees that are Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, and Conservatives. They're a mixed bag. But back to the point and back to Biden.

His staff hands out questions to people/reportes in advance, like the young black woman who said she couldn't go by the piece of paper they gave her with the question to ask because she needed to keep it real. Biden could not answer her real question. That's the man you want to vote for? Smoke and mirrors?

You know that essentially you're voting for Kamala Harris, right? The most liberal senator in Congress. Put Joe Biden in there and suddenly they will declare the 25th Amendment and remove him from office making her the new president. The first female and black female president. It won't be because she was elected. She dropped out so early in the race because nobody wanted her. But they'll sneak her in any way as the most liberal senator in Congress.

That means you're also voting for AOC and the squad along with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff. You'll do these things because you've got it in your head that everything they say about President Trump has got to be correct. Haven't you thought about opening your horizons to other news outlets like OAN or Fox News? Or are you going to stick with MSNBC and CNN who have been caught in so many scandals with the news it's laughable? I sample them all. But when you see how journalists throw away the handbook on journalism that requires two sources before you can go to print with something, or on the air as would be the case now, you'll settle for two anonymous sources even though 21 sources have already come out and said that the president has never once badmouthed that were military. This includes John Bolton where there's certainly no love lost. These were people that were actually there along with General Kelly who has an axe to grind. Is he a high-placed anonymous source? A biased one?

President Trump is not too pleased with the brass. Do you know why? I'll bet you don't. It's because in 2018 when Ukraine was begging for weapons President Trump turn them down. But the General's suddenly started getting calls from "friends." These friends with are the defense contractors that couldn't stand by and let Trump do that. So the General's exercised something most people don't know they can do. Under the defense Procurement Act they overrode President Trump and spent the money that Ukraine wanted for weapons. How can we have a government if the military can act autonomously against the wishes of a duly elected president? I know you didn't know this one.

The military industrial complex. General's retiring and suddenly they're on the board of directors I've defense contractors making half a million dollars a year plus taking home $120,000 of Pension funds from the US government. Not a bad way to go out. It's an incestuous relationship. It's no different than the lobbyist and why there's a three-year prohibition on leaving office and then becoming a lobbyist. But that doesn't stop the General's under the Defense Procurement Act from going against a democratically elected president.

Washington runs on the defense contractor industry. It's not a secret except perhaps maybe to you. I'm sure you've heard the expression of going along to get along. As you know, in the military if you want rank you have to have good assignments. This primarily involves officers. Once you make it to a field grade officer your climb is based upon your commands. If there are no Wars to fight how was that full bird going to get his first command? How's that one star general going to get his second star if there are no conflicts for him to lead? They have to constantly perpetuate conflict around the world.

For example Syria. We have no legitimate business in Syria. It offers no strategic advantage or security to the United States. In fact, the Syrian Rebel Army wanted us to back them even though they're made up in many cases of radicals and Isis members. President Trump said something to the effect that the only thing is Syria is sand and death for Americans. What Russia do it once there. Who cares? The General's do. Aircraft and tanks and bullets and everything else manufactured by defense contractors needed it in a theater.

I'm not trying to be rude but you haven't said a single thing that justifies voting for Biden. Just a hatred for Trump when I suspect you don't know what's been going on behind the scenes. I know because as I've told you I've studied it for years. But you go ahead and vote for Biden and when our economy crashes and the stock market falls out from underneath us and we become a socialist country working on spending trillions of dollars for the Green New Deal and government-run healthcare that certainly won't be any better then the British have, it'll come home to roost.

Then and only then will you and others understand that President Trump is not a politician. He's a business man that doesn't throw good money after bad. He doesn't play the Washington game and that's why they want him out. He asks pointed questions and expect straight answers. Try to bullshit him and you're out the door.

How convenient that Bernstein comes out with a book on covid-19 and allegedly how President Trump failed to manage it properly even though we closed the country off on January 31st when the doctors were saying that it wasn't necessary to wear masks. They kept saying this is far into April. But the doctors couldn't even keep their stories straight. Even Governor Cuomo had great things to say in the beginning and telling his people not to panic. Did it wasn't going to be as severe as some people said. He too was wrong. But when he was getting what he needed from President Trump he had nothing but good things to say about the president and now that it's almost over with he blames everything on the president and takes no blame for killing thousands of people by putting them into retirement homes so that they can infect already immunocompromised patients causing them to die. But let's blame it on the president.

Then people forget about that old thing called the tenth amendment that makes it the state's responsibility to take care of its people. It's far easier to blame the president, isn't it? Just like calling in the National Guard to knock down Portland. It's up to the governor to call the president and say "I need help." Look what happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin when the Governor did just that. Instantly it was over. But yeah, that's President Trump's fault that all of this is happening. You don't see the pattern? Blame everything on the president and take no responsibility or personal accountability for oneself. We're losing qualified police Chiefs and officers around the country because of it. They're being thrown in the deep end and expected to suppress riots at Great risk to their own personal safety and their family's Financial Security if they do something that a camera picks up and distorts putting them before a Tribunal if only just to be judged play the court of public opinion.

Do the right thing and vote for the right man even if you hate him. The alternative will be worse.
LCpl Brad Gross
LCpl Brad Gross
4 y
What makes Biden honorable?MSgt Neil Greenfield
SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
4 y
LCpl Brad Gross that's an excellent question. Why did his son take a job in Ukraine making millions when he wasn't qualified? Biden is a dinosaur and although he may have lost it completely at this point he knows the military industrial complex. He knows that the Pentagon has a revolving door with retiring generals that suddenly end up on the board of directors of Defense contractors. He's forgotten more than we ever knew but what he does remember he remembers. And then there's China. That same Sun somehow got a 1.5 billion dollar hedge fund deal out of China and he has no experience managing a hedge fund it. Most people don't know it but hedge fund manager makes 20%. Hunter Biden makes approximately 30 million dollars a year. Biden's brother is in the construction industry where projects to build low-income housing seem to have come his way. How is that? People complain that President Trump likes to have events at his golf clubs. Why not? What kind of Bill is he giving the government? I suspect none because that would be an impeachable offense. That would be a violation of the Constitution's domestic and foreign emoluments clauses. President Trump wanted to hold the G7 meeting there. What a beautiful site to locate it at! In the end of course the G7 did not meet there. I don't believe that for the chicken feed Trump would make having foreign dignitaries stay at his five star resorts would have made a ding in his bank account. Oh yeah. There would be some money made but I don't think he looks at it that way. I think he looks at it through his ego and I'll admit that. I'd like to think that his ego is so big that he would rather have bragging rights that the G7 met at Doral Florida!

President Trump doesn't like Camp David. Although is a possession of the United States government it's paid for. You can't play golf there. But let's get back to the point of Joe Biden. I've read in this thread that here on RP things tend to be black or white with no areas of Grey. That's not the case with me. I believe in shades of grey. I'd like to believe in 50 Shades of Grey. LOL.
PO2 Bill Reardon
PO2 Bill Reardon
>1 y
MSgt Neil Greenfield I like that an “ORANGE DYE”
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