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Responses: 3
SSG Dennis R.
Another dumb-ass badge-wearing thug.
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SSG Robert Perrotto
I do not think there is anyone that does not support LE reforms and training, and this officer should face, at a minimum, some disciplinary action, Preferably lose his badge.
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Sgt Joe Tessari
Cop was a dick and should be held accountable but I can't help but point out the obvious. You come face to face with a cop who has a gun pointed at you, what do you do? How about tell him who you are and then shut the fuck up and do what he says! Don't argue because it just makes the officer think your trying to distract him which is what crooks do. They are both idiots.
Sgt Joe Tessari
Sgt Joe Tessari
4 y
SSgt Ray Stone - Relax Ray no need to bust a blood vessel, I'm not being hostile with you. I agree that one death is too many and we should try to have as few as possible. Police work is ugly and we pay the police to win when they are in a conflict. Nearly 40,000 deaths from automobiles each year and we understand that's the risk we take. Cooperate with the police and I bet we would have nearly zero dead citizens after interactions with the police.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
4 y
Sgt Joe Tessari obviously you can't read. The guy in the vid has his hands up in compliance. Again there are several instances where the complied were still murdered. Google Philando Castille for example
Sgt Joe Tessari
Sgt Joe Tessari
4 y
SSgt Ray Stone - I know that has happened but it is the extreme exception not the norm snf officers who do it are prosecuted. Military personnel have done some egregious things but do you label our military a bunch of murderers? Over 100,000 patients die every year from medical malpractice do you label doctors and nurses murderers? My point is simply to provide some perspective, all cops aren't bad. I'm sorry you feel the hostility you do for law enforcement and obviously you're not alone but my hope is that people in your corner of the room will eventually start being more reasonable regarding their opinions of police. Have a great day and thank you for your service.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
4 y
Sgt Joe Tessari i knew you would throw other professions into it....lol. Predictable
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