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Responses: 6
SSG Robert Ricci
Edited 4 y ago
This article is extremely biased and factually incorrect. It makes responding to it almost unnecessary. What would you expect from the left-leaning USA Today? I happen to have just researched Susan Page of USA Today who as the editor-in-chief will be the moderator at the third presidential debate. That identified her as a very liberal left-wing Democrat. What this suggests to me is the position amongst the staff writers.

For example, the statistics on the members of the military that aren't going to vote for President Trump are skewed. The first question that needs to be asked regarding the polls is why wasn't the sample larger? The more people you put into the survey the balance of numbers changes. By and large, members of the military in active duty service are conservatives. They are also extremely pleased that they received the first pay raise since 2010 as well as the president gave them new Weaponry and even bullets to put in their weapons. Something President Obama deliberately starved. He wanted to weaken our military so that we weren't the big dog on the globe any longer.

There's another aspect that's being overlooked. Some people join the military because they wanted to go play shoot-'em-up bang-bang. President Trump is drawing down troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. As a result their view of President Trump may be less. Who knows what's going through the head of a young man or woman? To them this is been better than a video game.

Give a survey the 25,000 active duty service members if you want a more realistic cool. Make it a blind poll. By that I mean no oversampling Democrats like most polls currently do. They say they don't but yet they go to downtown New York City which is extremely liberal and ask leading questions.

No. In my opinion it's hardly an article to pay attention to.
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
4 y
Don't bother the idiots with facts SSG Robert Ricci ! These "reporters" are writing stories they know will get more clicks for them. That is all that matters. If they don't get clicks, they get fired. Truth, facts, objectivity be damned.
SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
4 y
You're absolutely correct, lieutenant. Please excuse all the typos that I've corrected. I use speech to text and I scan the message before clicking save and then I come back and I read them and it's like what the heck did you do to my post?

They are on both sides. Intractable people they don't have the ability to use deductive reasoning or piece together facts. They will watch CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, or MSNBC - but refuse to watch Fox News. They are deliberately depriving themselves of an alternative opinion. Fox is not perfect. Chris Wallace will be doing the first debate and he's a die-hard Democrat. I don't like the way he attacks Republicans on his show giving them the 10th degree while going softer on Democrats. We're just going to have to wait and see. All of the debate moderators are Democrats.

I think we know what's in store for us. Joe Biden will get the softball questions and President Trump will get the hard ones. He will have to explain how he's responsible for covid-19 failures even though according to the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution the states are the ones in charge. He jumped through hoops to get them what they needed to save lives and guys like Governor Cuomo praised him at the time but now says the president screwed it all up from the beginning. Governor Cuomo was the one that killed eleven thousand people by stuffing them into retirement homes instead of on the USS Mercy or in the convention center. I know I'm off topic but in my mind they all link together.

This message has been scanned for typos prior to pressing save. If they show up after I press save my phone is haunted.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
4 y
I'm surprised a carrier NCO posted this left wing post.
SSgt Robert Simonds
SSgt Robert Simonds
10 d
The post is totally wrong. Trump has correct some that embellish the facts to much. but Trump is very respectful for the deceased even when the sitting President Biden and his VP Kamala wasn't. Trump is for Military,
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PO2 Builder
Thanks for the post.
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Thanks for sharing.
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