Responses: 3
LTC Stephen C.
I think we can define terrorism, LTC Eric Udouj. I simply believe that the United States is simply not yet willing to step up (in some respects internationally, but most assuredly domestically) and do something about it.
LTC Eric Udouj
Stephen -- we do have a Joint Definition of terrorism - but still no USG definition. And I so agree about the domestically - that has been an eye opener now. Had we stepped up to bat when the POTUS said Antifa is a terrorist organization - and launched a USG Joint TF to eliminate them from the start.. maybe we would not be floundering where we are now. And they definitely are international in a lot of aspects.. not just a US organization..
yet the United States and the West in general struggle to overcome their entrenched presumptions about war
Meanwhile, American analysts wonder why the United States can no longer wins its wars.3
As the United States seeks to learn and react, the first—and, as Carl von
Clausewitz notes, “most far-reaching act of judgment”—is to establish the kind of
war it is embarking on, “neither mistaking it for, nor trying to turn it into, something
that is alien to its nature.”7 In this instance, the kind of war confronting the
United States is often termed irregular
The United States is engaged in a struggle to retain its power and legitimacy.
American leadership has waned since the end of the Cold War, and Russia and
China, detecting a void, are asserting themselves
This philosophy is congruent with Sun Tzu’s aphorism
that “supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without
fighting” or to attack only when you are in a superior position
“Victory may sometimes depend not on whose army wins, but on whose story
wins.”23 Put differently, the point is to win the narrative before you win the war
Perhaps the prime nonstate example of this principle was the Islamic State,
which by the time it launched its offensive in 2014 had already won a psychological
battle through the mass production and precise targeting of social media messaging
The above are all quotes from the article. I do not have time to argue the whole article. so, I will have to come back later. For what I have read so far:
The US and the west is under no allusion. Because, the US and the west are at war with themselves over what agenda is for western civilization. We have been watching that war unfold for the last 50yrs. NAFTA, GATT, Welfare, murder of the innocent...
We see it unfolding on TV as I write. A few months ago we watched the strongest economy the world has ever seen take a nose dive due to a Pandemic. Supposedly, by accident. After 3.5 yrs of economic war, irregular war happened. Then, came the social war which will get worse.
Our Generals know what is happening. They should have expected China to lash out somehow. They needed a superior position. Because, they had lost the position the were given by those only after money, once Trump got elected by the deplorables who care about more than just the money.
Narrative. Islam has it and the Islamic State is part of the Ummah. So, they are a State actor. Just not one we care to recognize. Their narrative is in the Koran and preached in the Mosques across the globe.
I will have to stop here. I will come back soon.
Meanwhile, American analysts wonder why the United States can no longer wins its wars.3
As the United States seeks to learn and react, the first—and, as Carl von
Clausewitz notes, “most far-reaching act of judgment”—is to establish the kind of
war it is embarking on, “neither mistaking it for, nor trying to turn it into, something
that is alien to its nature.”7 In this instance, the kind of war confronting the
United States is often termed irregular
The United States is engaged in a struggle to retain its power and legitimacy.
American leadership has waned since the end of the Cold War, and Russia and
China, detecting a void, are asserting themselves
This philosophy is congruent with Sun Tzu’s aphorism
that “supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without
fighting” or to attack only when you are in a superior position
“Victory may sometimes depend not on whose army wins, but on whose story
wins.”23 Put differently, the point is to win the narrative before you win the war
Perhaps the prime nonstate example of this principle was the Islamic State,
which by the time it launched its offensive in 2014 had already won a psychological
battle through the mass production and precise targeting of social media messaging
The above are all quotes from the article. I do not have time to argue the whole article. so, I will have to come back later. For what I have read so far:
The US and the west is under no allusion. Because, the US and the west are at war with themselves over what agenda is for western civilization. We have been watching that war unfold for the last 50yrs. NAFTA, GATT, Welfare, murder of the innocent...
We see it unfolding on TV as I write. A few months ago we watched the strongest economy the world has ever seen take a nose dive due to a Pandemic. Supposedly, by accident. After 3.5 yrs of economic war, irregular war happened. Then, came the social war which will get worse.
Our Generals know what is happening. They should have expected China to lash out somehow. They needed a superior position. Because, they had lost the position the were given by those only after money, once Trump got elected by the deplorables who care about more than just the money.
Narrative. Islam has it and the Islamic State is part of the Ummah. So, they are a State actor. Just not one we care to recognize. Their narrative is in the Koran and preached in the Mosques across the globe.
I will have to stop here. I will come back soon.
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