Posted on Jun 24, 2020
The Left’s Love Affair with Riots | National Review
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
You are correct Col. We've been here before. What concerns me this time is the takeover of the media. Not enough voices saying stop.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Exactly. The media has become enamored of the riots because it aligns with their agenda, but also because (perhaps more importantly, to them) it generates views.
Sun Tzus Art of war... If they feign strength then they think we are weak... It is the deception... They think we won't smash them so they capitalize on that principle, because if they thought they were dealing with an actual hitler style fascist, that leader would hunt them down in a grotesque genocide
Cpl Benjamin Long
oh hoh, Gregory is calling someone racist... but that is indulgence in the escalato game... escalato is a game of chicken where both sides raise the stake until it becomes the game of kill or be killed.. worse game in the world
Good article, IMO much of of the fomenting of violence belongs at the feet of our 5th Estate media. Recall the “If it bleeds, it leads” mantra. The fools can’t understand that the 1st amendment under fire, protects them, legally. And the 2nd amendment is the force behind the 1st. If these are gone, the press goes with them.
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