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Responses: 9
CPT Jack Durish
There's a reason to leave law enforcement to those trained in law enforcement, which military personnel are not. If the military is sent to enforce civil law, the governors and President better be prepared for the consequences.
SGM Robert Murray
SGM Robert Murray
>1 y
1970 . . .Kent State. I remember.
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
We need to take down the perpetrators of the violence!!! It will all come out, including who financed & managed it...
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) I am waiting with ‘bated breath’ for our government to reveal the financiers and managers of these riots.

They quickly seized an opportunity for civil disobedience when the morale of the country was weakened by the effects of the ‘virus’.

When our neighbors warned us of busloads of demonstrators being scheduled to arrive in Palm Desert, CA at 5 PM tonight JUNE 1, 2020, someone has intel and ‘knowledge’ of forthcoming events!
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
CSM Charles Hayden In my view, Trump has been somewhat quiet while he & his team strategize & develop the right tactics to unfold it all... The conspiracy continues, because too many are afraid of the consequences, but in so doing, they are making serious errors in judgement, which is going to bite them in the @r$3!!! May be I am totally out to lunch, but that's what I see...
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) Roger. Mary Ann and I were just discussing how the Airborne Song would appeal to the POTUS after these governors sassing him earlier today, June 1, 2020. The disgruntled Airborne troops’s song - the one that goes Him, Him, xxxx Him.

I cannot envision POTUS Trump being overly patient with these Pussycat, Democrat governors if he has the authority to declare an “Insurrection” and to take charge!
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MSgt Operations Intelligence
If the local and state are unable or will not restore law and order, then the President can step in and use forces to restore law and order.
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