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Responses: 5
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
I agree.
I had some hope that things would be better last night when the Governor called out the Guard and imposed a curfew. But then he kept talking. And I went from hope to despair as I watched him, AG Ellison, and the Public Safety Commissioner start saying platitudes that basically telegraphed that they were not serious about enforcement.
Sure enough, I was up all night guarding my house as a giant group looted and destroyed my bank, my post office, and my neighborhood. The only cops in sight for a full 90 minutes were the handful on the roof of the 3rd Police Precinct - ACROSS THE STREET from the Wells Fargo branch they looted and set fire to - and they did jack shit. Eventually, about 300 police in riot gear showed up in city buses and immediately the crowd dispersed. They left behind a three block area burning in a pyre. The MFD showed up about 0530 to start putting out the fires - about 7 hours after they were set.
Even the news anchors on TV were incredulous at what was going on.

The narrative today is that these are people from out of town doing the arson and looting. For about half of them, that is true.
My city is a mess, on fire even now at 0930, and all the state and city leaders could do last night was point fingers. You know how many people the MPD arrested Thursday night when the HiLake area got burned down? Seven. That is feckless.
I am embarrassed, sad, and angry at what is happening and why it is happening. But the complete abdication by the MPD and MFD is an embarrassment that I will never forget or forgive.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
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1SG (Join to see) Thanks for an eye witness account and truthful assessment
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) Stay safe. I have family in Minneapolis and they have a bunch of kids, so they left on Friday to go to North Dakota.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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LT Brad McInnis - I have five kids, including my African-American stepdaughter and a mixed 1 month old. I'd leave if it looks untenable, but I am very loathe to take an infant out into the world right now.
So I guard my family and property all night. So far, three homes and 5 cars have been burned out on my street.
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
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1SG (Join to see) - My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. My thoughts are this will die down a bit by Monday.
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SPC Kevin Ford
If Republicans want to be mayors of these cities they need to ask themselves why they are largely not competitive in those cities.
Sgt Print Journalist
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SPC Kevin Ford LT Brad McInnis MSgt (Join to see) Cpl (Join to see) Corrupt Soros / globalist and Leftist big Tech money? Illegal voting? All favorable to Dems gaining positions
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
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Sgt (Join to see)

Soros or Koch brothers?
Big tech money or big oil money?
Illegal voting or voter suppression?
Cpl Software Engineer
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I've never seen a leftist complain about the money soros gives out and as far as the koch's go, the left hasn't said a word about them since they came out as anti-Trump. They don't care about the money being given to politicians until they are giving money to conservative groups and candidates.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
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Cpl (Join to see) - Similar to Soros. Well that and the whack a doodle conspiracy theories.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Sure looks like Guiliani has it right. Both are cowards and they fail the leadership test.
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