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Responses: 5
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
What the death toll doesn't tell you is the backstory. I have friends in Healthcare...they have told me that even if someone comes in from a massive car wreck or gunshot wound or heart attack they get tested for Covid...if they die because of the what they were brought in for the death still gets reported and thrown into the column of Covid because they tested positive for it whether or not it was active doesn't matter it was a Covid death. So yes our numbers are large but IMHO I don't believe they are as high as they are stating.

Maj Marty Hogan Lt Col Charlie Brown 1stSgt Glenn Brackin
Cpl Craig Morton SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth COL Mikel J. Burroughs
LTC Stephen C. CPL Dave Hoover PO3 Bob McCord
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Sgt Wayne Wood PVT James Strait
SFC Jack Champion MSgt David Hoffman MSgt Stephen Council
PO1 H Gene Lawrence 1SG Steven Imerman SGT Steve McFarland SSgt Terry P. Cynthia C.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
Thank you for the share and mention sir
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
I have friends in healthcare that tell me that isn't happening and that there are people that never make it to the hospital dying of COVID 19 without being tested or reported, so.....
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - The people I am talking to are the ones doing the reporting like they are told to do it.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - So are the ones that I am talking to. I know one of the issues is that procedures vary from place to place because there is no single standard or national level process or direction. Chalk it up to a lack of leadership from the federal level.
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
He did say there would be 3 to 100,000ish people die.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Did he say it, or did he say that many people were saying it?
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney it’s a combo of quotes, one 29 Feb he stated, could be only 4, or 3, later he said it could reach 100,000. So no I did not make it up
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
MSgt Michael Bischoff - Not saying you did, I just know how the head Cheeto likes to use the "many people are saying" line. Butthen, given the type of people he surrounds himself with, I am sure they will say whatever he wants them to say whenever he wants them to say it.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the YouTube share brother Steve.
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