Posted on May 7, 2020
Ware County prosecutor saw ‘no grounds for arrest’ before passing on Arbery shooting death
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 10
This is what happens when knuckleheads try to become cops. There was no reason to try to stop and "arrest" him. They could have followed him, called 911 and let the cops investigate. If I was jogging and someone got out of their car with a weapon and came toward me I would have drawn mine and shot and would have been fully justified. If you draw a weapon on someone you have now created a deadly force use for the person you drew upon.
This is a 100% avoidable tragedy. There will be a trial. I certainly do not profess to know all the details but even if this kid was a burglar (I am not suggesting he was) that does not carry a death sentence and walking around with weapons drawn trying to make citizen arrests will lead to this occurring.
This is a 100% avoidable tragedy. There will be a trial. I certainly do not profess to know all the details but even if this kid was a burglar (I am not suggesting he was) that does not carry a death sentence and walking around with weapons drawn trying to make citizen arrests will lead to this occurring.
SFC William Farrell
Well said Cpl Jeff N., i would have done the same. I went for my walk this morning and was carrying as I always do. My heart bleeds for the Arbery family.
Cpl Jeff N.
SSgt Ray Stone - The wheels of justice grind slowly Ray and not always in a straight line. Ask Mike Flynn.
Cpl Jeff N.
SSgt Ray Stone - The movement of the wheels of justice Ray. They can be slow and not on a direct path and can take years to run their course. That is the comparison point.
Trayvon Martin all over again. Ironic that Glynco is just up the road.

Ahmaud Arbery: Waycross District Attorney explains in letter why no one was arrested in...
Action News Jax is getting a glimpse into why the Waycross district attorney in the case decided no one needed to be arrested.
SFC William Farrell
CMSgt (Join to see) Isn't Glynco where the Federal Law Enforcement Academy is? When I got appointed to Border Patrol, I'm pretty sure it was Glynco they ordered me to report to. I dont know as I turned down my appointment.
CMSgt (Join to see)
FLETC - Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. They fall under Department of Homeland Security.
SFC William Farrell As you say, it sounds like a terrible executed lynching!
People that are such haters should not be allowed to possess firearms!
People that are such haters should not be allowed to possess firearms!
SFC William Farrell
SFC James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" - I am the same way JP, i dont care what color you are. I wouldn't chase someone down because they are black or hispanic or asian and I wouldn't want someone chasing me or my loved ones down because we are white. My parents brought me up to respect others.
SrA John Monette
SFC James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" - if the colors were reversed, the black guys would have been arrested the day it happened. unfortunately, these two jackasses were left to roam the streets for months after before charges were filed.
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