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Responses: 8
SSgt Owner/Operator
I think it will take dozens of arrests and prosecutions before the left will ever even come close to thinking maybe something was possibly, maybe, somewhere below a slim chance of any of this being a setup.

While this was originally a quote about religion, it equally applies here.

“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”
― Stuart Chase
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
>1 y
Definitely Agree!
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SPC Robert Conway
Considering that, ONCE AGAIN, the Steele Dossier was not a primary source for the investigation, was not originally a Clinton funded investigation, AND that Trump hired Carter Page, a man who was a known Russian asset, along with several other ties to Russia or its allies, what exactly is the declassified footnote supposed to prove beyond this dude's fever dream?
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
SPC Robert Conway - You asserted that Carter page was dirty. Was he indicted? Was he convicted? Dirty of what?

In August there was insufficient evidence for probable cause. The Steele Dossier shows up and the SAME DAY, the dossier plays "a central and essential role" in the decision. I guess due diligence doesn't take long when the investigators already know where they are going, evidence or no.
SPC Robert Conway
SPC Robert Conway
>1 y
Maj John Bell A little reading for you, and I will resist the urge of commenting on the summary judgment that Officers routinely engage in.

Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
SPC Robert Conway - The words and judgment are not mine. I'll repeat the citation for you.

"Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation" ******OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL******, December 9, 2019, page vi, column 2, Decision to Seek FISA Authority paragraphs 1 and 2.

If the words and judgment of the DOJ's Inspector General are not enough, what would be?

You asserted that Carter page was dirty. I asked was he indicted? Was he convicted? Dirty of what?

I believe that the FBI has a responsibility to exercise due diligence before presenting evidence. I doubt seriously that due diligence was in fact exercised if a piece of "evidence," a report produced by a non-FBI, non- US Government, non-allied government source plays a central role in a request for a warrant, the same day it is received.

How about we dispense with personal attacks and keep it polite and civil political discourse. If you are challenging my position based on the substance of the argument, fair game. If you are challenging my position based on my commission let me know and we can call this discussion pointless and end it now.

SPC Robert Conway
SPC Robert Conway
>1 y
Maj John Bell I was just hacking on you, don't get huffy.

Carter Page had been the subject of FISA warrants in his dealings with and about Russia a year or more before Trump announced his campaign.

From what I understand of warrants in general, the process is haphazard anyway. Political affiliation means nothing to cop on the hunt.

As for the EVIDENCE, note the lack of quotes, presented in the dossier, and it's source. Nothing has been shown to be false, it was originally commissioned by a Republican and since when is England a nonallied government?

From Wikipedia:

"Christopher David Steele (born 24 June 1964) is a British former intelligence officer with the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 from 1987 until his retirement in 2009. He ran the Russia desk at MI6 headquarters in London between 2006 and 2009. In 2009, he co-founded Orbis Business Intelligence, a London-based private intelligence firm."
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SSG Samuel Kermon
Very good point. For several years the democrats, under Obama and Clinton (as the Secretary of State) did collude with Russia. Just don't think anyone had the cajones to bring charges. Especially since the DOJ and several other organizations were pro democracy and anti American.
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