Posted on Apr 13, 2020
Green Berets’ training pipeline continues despite COVID-19 concerns
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 5
Can’t speak directly to COVID-19 —-> just trust/hope all the right things are being done. Will however add one (of many) favorite back-in-the day quotes from Mackall: “This Land Navigation test for grade (i.e., pass or be sent back to Bragg for out-processing) will proceed *without* regard to weather.” Stay strong & safe to *All.*
SGT Robert Pryor
CPT (Join to see), Land Nav was my favorite part out at MacKall. I'd already gone through the 82C Artillery Surveying course and was way ahead of what they were teaching in Training Group. All the 11 Bang-bangs made fun of me for being a "surveyor," until Land Nav separated the wheat from the chaff. I could calculate and adjust course to avoid obstacles in my head, when the rest of them couldn't even do it on paper. Never again did any of my classmates make fun of me -- well, other than for being so damned young.
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
CPT (Join to see)
SGT Robert Pryor - Agree 100% Land Nav did separate the wheat from the chaff. Critical skill.
First formation @ Mackall we were told “half of you will be gone within two weeks.” Don’t find your points —-> duece and a half back to Bragg. And that = exactly what happpened, Surveyor “slam.” Nice. Heard similar smack to which I responded: “TC, USAR.” Regardless —> some of the best people I have ever known w/friendships that have endured to this day. More important —-> back to the article @ hand. I say again: Stay strong & safe to *All*
First formation @ Mackall we were told “half of you will be gone within two weeks.” Don’t find your points —-> duece and a half back to Bragg. And that = exactly what happpened, Surveyor “slam.” Nice. Heard similar smack to which I responded: “TC, USAR.” Regardless —> some of the best people I have ever known w/friendships that have endured to this day. More important —-> back to the article @ hand. I say again: Stay strong & safe to *All*
SGT Robert Pryor
CPT (Join to see) - And the connection between your experience, my experience, and this article is a very important lesson from SF -- Exploit all assets.
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