Posted on Apr 10, 2020
Trump downplays need for widespread testing before reopening economy
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
Truthfully, I think it would show more of us have been infected without much in the way of symptoms...but we do need to get up and going before the trucking industry collapses...
PFC Eileen Faucette
If everyone were tested- including all the folks who got sick from other causes, and the folks who died but their deaths were ascribed to other causes- we would certainly find a lot of milder cases but we would also find a lot of other severe illnesses & deaths that were ascribed to other causes but in fact, were coronavirus related. I recently read an article (I'm having trouble locating it. When/if I do I'll come back & attach a link) that said that it's usually several years before they have a better idea of the death rates. The way that's determined is they look at the numbers of deaths & compare it to other years, then calculate the variance as deaths from the outbreak that were undiagnosed cases or instances where scarce medical care for other illnesses led to secondary deaths. In any event, if you're going to mentally add in some number of minor cases then for accuracy's sake you have to also add in the many ill & dead folks who were likely from the illness but not connected to it because we weren't yet geared up to find it.
I find it ironic that the eugenic, globalist left who are more than happy to abort children have any concerns about a virus that hasn't been as bad as the original projections. I wonder what happened to the "world is over-populated" left or is this "crisis" just another vehicle to be used against their perceived opponents.
Cpl (Join to see)
Why worry about the deaths of a virus when abortion, err depopulation is a sticky point of the left? The song left leaning propagandists played in Jan/Feb is not the same song they are playing now. Why?
Well, why test if your not sick and what do you want, the country to collapse? Do you even know what that would mean? This President has some HARD decisions to make and I for one am glad as fluck he's making them rather some other Clinton or Bernie, or whatever the opposition has to offer! Go Trumpy go...
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