Posted on Mar 23, 2020
Joe Biden Presses Donald Trump and State Elected Officials to Drop Lawsuit Attacking Americans’…
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 11
Oh yes, don't let any National Emergency slip past without attempting to insert a political agenda on the very flawed HCA act passed under the Obama administration.
SPC Erich Guenther
MSG Stan Hutchison - So we should bankrupt tens of thousands of others struggling to pay the premiums because you think it is a good program.....nice.
MSG Stan Hutchison
SPC Erich Guenther - No, we should build on the basic concept and make quality, all encompassing health care insurance available to all. There are already tens of thousands going bankrupt trying to pay medical bills.
SPC Erich Guenther
MSG Stan Hutchison - Among the people going bankrupt paying medical bills is a percentage that refuse to pay for any insurance at all (even policies they can easily afford). Another percentage chooses life choices that place themselves in several high risk insurance categories. I don't think it is my problem to pay for someone elses lifestyle choice NOR do I feel I should have to pay for insurance for someone that doesn't care to.
MSG Stan Hutchison
SPC Erich Guenther - Erich, I have argued about the ACA for far too long now. Both sides have repeated and repeated the same justifications for their opinions. Nothing new offered.
I support it for the very simple reason that it hit close to home. My grandson lived for 16 years because of the ACA converge for the last 9 years of his life. Before that, he had no coverage so his mother had to use MEDICAID, which was not the highest in quality care. After he got enrolled under the ACA, she was able to take him to much better facilities and doctors. Also, his medications were not as expensive.
I am a firm believer that quality medical care is a human right and should be available to all, regardless.
I support it for the very simple reason that it hit close to home. My grandson lived for 16 years because of the ACA converge for the last 9 years of his life. Before that, he had no coverage so his mother had to use MEDICAID, which was not the highest in quality care. After he got enrolled under the ACA, she was able to take him to much better facilities and doctors. Also, his medications were not as expensive.
I am a firm believer that quality medical care is a human right and should be available to all, regardless.
Remind me once more..How many people lost their health care or saw the premiums go up under Obama care?
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