As time moves along, the Earth gets bombarded by some number of small debris that essentially burns up in the Earth's atmosphere... But what if the object was of sufficient size to not burn up in the atmosphere!!! Right, we do not want that to happen... Here is some information to contemplate:
"Estimates say that a vehicle-sized asteroid explodes in our atmosphere about once per year, often too high to make a noticeable impact. But in 2013, a small meteor exploded just 20 miles above Chelyabinsk, Russia that sent over 1,200 people to the hospital.
Today, a team of experts from NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office works diligently to find asteroids that travel near Earth’s orbit. They’ve released a plan in order to prevent a large-scale asteroid impact, and part of this plan is the DART mission. DART aims to travel to the asteroid Didymos in 2021 to demonstrate the tech that could be used to redirect an asteroid headed for Earth." WIthout question, we must be ready to respond and deflect any sizeable space entity which could cause devastating damage to large areas of the Earth and perhaps all life on Planet Earth... This NASA video provides a plan to change the course of any large asteroid or other sizeable object so that the object misses Earth!