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Responses: 7
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Edited >1 y ago
Seriously...we have it all. We are a microcosm of society. We have Latin kings, bloods, crypts, black panthers, kkk, young nazi we have it all in our ranks. To look for one hate group over others would be a extreme waste of time. When one rears its ugly head you chop it off at the damn shoulders and move on. Don't tolerate it from the get go but to go on a witch hunt for one I think is a stretch.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
People only want the racism to go away that does not benefit them. The want the white nationalists gone but will anyone complain next year if the Oscars nominees are minorities? Nope but getting a nomination based on race is as much or more racism than anything else.
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
Whate nationalism? Do you mean white national sociolists?
I'm white and a nationalist. I guess that makes me a Nazi in the New Age. This idenity politics is going to cause a greater divide in America. Making a common enemy out of the Saxon will bring bloodshed.
Low information voters swallow this crap. A new program is coming on soon. Hunting.
They hunt Nazis. Yet, the very manner in which they hunt is the Nazi ideology. But that is OK. They are niot white.
Odd. Isn't it?
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSG Robert Mark Odom I'm Hope they are trying to Root it Out. Unfortunately in the Current Environment?
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