When I was a young troop, we all learned about the "bounding over-watch" method of movement. We heard the inspiring story of how in the Yom Kippur War the Israeli armor was surprised and bloodied by the Egyptians using Soviet Sagger anti-tank missiles, the very first time such missiles had ever been used in combat, yet came up with a new tactic to defeat them literally overnight. That tactic was the basically of what we now called the bounding over-watch.
Then, yesterday, a ran across this on You Tube. The German tank platoons, following training guidelines written in the mid 1930s, moved two tanks at a time while the other two covered the moving element. They called it "fire and movement."
Now, the Israelis quite possibly came up with it independently when the need arose, but the Germans had been doing it from the very get-go of the Blitzkrieg.
You learn something every day.