Posted on Feb 8, 2020
Trump’s Deranged Post-Impeachment Press Conference: A Closer Look
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
Capt Dwayne Conyers Trump Slipped the Rails a Long Time Ago. Now He is Just One Long Continuous Train Wreck.
MAJ Edgar S OteroMuniz
Please Chip, enlightenment me with a little content. The last time I checked the complete wreckage can be found on Pelosi’s side (the Socialist Left).
LTC Lee Bouchard
The train wreck is just 3 years old, not a long time ago. Considering his accomplishments that are never or rarely reported by the Lib. media, I'll ride this train. This train has lead us to the highest employment rate, lowest unemployment (For minorities and women) boosted they economy to a healthy high, breaking wall street highs, (That has helped retirement portfolios for every investor wanting to retire some time in the future) helped bring back American companies to the U.S. and much more. If people don't wish to ride this train they can get off in 2020.
I do remember our last rain wreck only too well. The chief engineer on that train was someone people called Obama. A bigger train wreck was under Clinton. The housing crash was under Bush, who took the blame or the wreck, and was not totally responsible.
Clinton "authorized" (being polite here) banks to lower their loan standards so people in the lower income brackets and low credit scores could apply for home loans. When these poor people defaulted on their loans by the millions the markets crashed. The engineer on this wrecked train was Clinton and doomed to crash before leaving the station
Much like the Iowa Primary.
I do remember our last rain wreck only too well. The chief engineer on that train was someone people called Obama. A bigger train wreck was under Clinton. The housing crash was under Bush, who took the blame or the wreck, and was not totally responsible.
Clinton "authorized" (being polite here) banks to lower their loan standards so people in the lower income brackets and low credit scores could apply for home loans. When these poor people defaulted on their loans by the millions the markets crashed. The engineer on this wrecked train was Clinton and doomed to crash before leaving the station
Much like the Iowa Primary.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
MAJ Edgar S OteroMuniz, you are suffering from Trump’lusions. Take an aspirin and call us in three years...
Wow, it’s been more than three years and you still have TDS? I can tell you are a big fan of Fake News...VA failed you
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