Posted on Feb 7, 2020
Mexico in talks with Russia to buy new batch of military helicopters: foreign minister
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 11
I would be careful about buying Russian technology. I mean they don't export hardly anything except oil, gas, logs, and lumber, I'm sure for good reason. Can you spell Kursk?
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1SG Steven Imerman Without stats you are just guessing . you Also seem to ignore that they are fighting a war against drugs with the drug runners funded by the American public.
1SG Steven Imerman
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Exactly. Anyone who calls drug use a victimless crime is ignoring the Colombian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Mexican, and other blood dripping off of every kilo of that stuff. There were an estimated 20,000 in Mexico last year, and probably an equal amount elsewhere across Latin America. That is each year, every year. All financed by the assholes in America doing illegal drugs.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1SG Steven Imerman - We have been taking massive casualties in the war on drugs for the last 48 years and someone of out neighbors have been nearly destroyed by the collateral damage, Perhaps it is time to dealsre victory on the War Nixon declared in 1971 and try another way, treating at as medical problem not a a Fng War.
1SG Steven Imerman
We are not the ones killing those people. We can start singing Kum-ba-ya at the top of our lungs and the cartels will just keep fighting turf fights and committing thousands of murders. As long as Americans don't care how many little brown people die to get their cocaine, the carnage will go on.
MAJ James Woods
SPC Erich Guenther The point is Russia and China have been doing a better job expanding their influence and neither the old NAFTA or USMCA is going to address it.
SPC Erich Guenther
MAJ James Woods - OK some of China's moves are actually to our benefit as well as rest of the world. Look at what they have done to the railway system in Kenya, Ethiopia, etc. Videos on you tube. That is helping us expand our trade with these countries as well as helping China. China's expanding influence is a mixed bag and it is not always positive for China. China does not have an exclusive trading arrangement with these countries though they do have specific development arrangements. We are benefitting that both Kenya and Ethiopia can turn cargo containers 2-3 times faster with the newer rail lines. So is China of course. Russia, do they offer anything other than military equipment? I don't see how Russia is competing with us other than via Military Equipment or Fossil Fuel sales. Mexicans can afford to lean on Russia for military equipment as they have no serious military threats other than internal corruption and drug gangs. It's not like they face any Western Military that would quickly turn that Russian crap to scrap in any future war.
SPC Erich Guenther
MAJ James Woods - Also believe it or not the Russian Helos are more capable than American in specific areas of utility. The Afghans prefer Russian because they are lower tech and do not require as much skill to keep flying PLUS they have higher altitude cielings than American Choppers so they can reach higher up on the mountains in Afghanistan. Not sure what Mexico saw in the Russian equipment other than just the price difference. Trade agreements do not fix those issues, it is a manufacturer issue.
MAJ James Woods
SPC Erich Guenther Yes countries with smaller economies and technical support and production foundation will tend to buy equipment more adaptive to their environment. Reason why the Afghans hate the Humvee and wished the US didn’t force it on them. It’s the reason why Iraq switched to NATO specific ammunition and weapons. Capabilities, materials, products sold to a customer depends on the needs of the customer and trade agreements can influence those types of sales arrangements between customer and manufacturer. Auto industry is a classic example of that. You do know we tend to sell obsolete and outdated equipment to countries if it meets their needs in operating and maintaining?
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