Responses: 12
Meh-It's all in good humor, but reads a bit like some barracks lawyer's greatest hits. Context is important; calling Washington a "Blue Falcon" is a bit out there perhaps. The Bonus Army business has always bothered me (deeply), but I think we'll never be able to judge it accurately without knowing the information the younger versions of MacArthur, Ike, and Patton were working with at the time, on the ground. I've always regarded Mac as something of a turd...and the entire fiasco a dark spot on our history...but it was a different era. As for Arnold, he and John Andre are complex was Robert Rogers; the three of them have a lot to teach us about loyalty, honor, and the true meaning of both. We have to remember that the Continental Army was essentially a large-scale mutiny; and its leaders primarily "British" veterans of the Seven Years' War. "Heroes" like Rogers found themselves with divided sentiments...and "low-level" players like Washington, suddenly found themselves being pushed to the forefront. I've always felt Andre's execution was, even for the times, an act of extreme unction...and somewhat indicative of darker developments throughout the Revolution. Perhaps Arnold, an obviously courageous officer, simply felt the "cause" was no longer worth the cost.
Thank you. I wasn't even familiar with the term "blue falcon" before this
SPC David S.
Seriously? There's a mascot, coin, association and motto. In case you Latin is rusty - Semper Futuit Amicus - translates to "always screwing friend" and buddy is half the word.

Fraternal Order of the Blue Falcon's
Fraternal Order of the Blue Falcon's. 69 likes. This site is for anyone that feels they are a Blue Falcon or AKA Buddy Fucker... You can post stories of times you have thrown friends or co-workers...
CPO Nate S.
SPC David S. - I was reminded of term about 10 yrs ago in a conversation with a friend. In the Navy the terms are a little more vulgar. Regardless, I will tell you that the rise of "modern Blue Falconism" is almost parallel to the election results in 1992 and the rapid rise of political correctness IMHO.
Reading the article reminded me that history is replete with actors who have always thought of themselves FIRST! What's new?!?!?!?!?
I find it interesting the #7 commentary was about - Bowe Bergdahl. I remember the anger at trading "killers" for this singular solider that "deserted his post". At least, there are those who had the courage to face a Courts Martial for refusing to obey an order and were put in the brig and suffered a BCD being self removed from the battlefield, WITHOUT causing the deaths of brave men looking for him like playing a game of hide and seek looking for the one lost sheep.
If LT William Calley (Vietnam fame) and Bowe Bergdhal were the only two people left on Earth and it was my decision to take one with me on the last space ship leaving Earth never to return and the Earth was unable to provide safe food or water for the person left behind the choice would be simple. I'd take Calley with me. While what Calley did was NOT cool at all, at least he stayed with his men and afterwards took his punishment.
Bergdhal is MORE untrustworthy than Calley!!! How could I travel with someone that would turn their back on me? Don't get me wrong, as I said Calley is no angle, but better the devil you know than the devil you don't know!!! At least Calley on August 19, 2009, while speaking to the Kiwanis Club of Greater Columbus, Calley issued an apology for his role in the My Lai massacre. Calley said:
"There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai," Calley told members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Columbus on Wednesday. His voice started to break when he added, "I feel remorse for the Vietnamese who were killed, for their families, for the American soldiers involved and their families. I am very sorry."
I have not heard Bergdhal with any level of humility lift his voice in true remorse!
Finally, what if John Kennedy had after PT-10 made his way to safety then sent help for his men instead of sending a "coconut msg" and staying with them? I am leaving out some details, but just trying to make a point. Bergdhal is a coward plain and simple!!! He should have been listed as #1 with Arnold #2, maybe, IMHO, more importantly he should have gone to Leavenworth.
You have to know others will have your back in difficult times. It is key to unit integrity! If Bergdhal were a CEO and I was interviewing for a job in his company, I'd figure out somewhere else to work!
Reading the article reminded me that history is replete with actors who have always thought of themselves FIRST! What's new?!?!?!?!?
I find it interesting the #7 commentary was about - Bowe Bergdahl. I remember the anger at trading "killers" for this singular solider that "deserted his post". At least, there are those who had the courage to face a Courts Martial for refusing to obey an order and were put in the brig and suffered a BCD being self removed from the battlefield, WITHOUT causing the deaths of brave men looking for him like playing a game of hide and seek looking for the one lost sheep.
If LT William Calley (Vietnam fame) and Bowe Bergdhal were the only two people left on Earth and it was my decision to take one with me on the last space ship leaving Earth never to return and the Earth was unable to provide safe food or water for the person left behind the choice would be simple. I'd take Calley with me. While what Calley did was NOT cool at all, at least he stayed with his men and afterwards took his punishment.
Bergdhal is MORE untrustworthy than Calley!!! How could I travel with someone that would turn their back on me? Don't get me wrong, as I said Calley is no angle, but better the devil you know than the devil you don't know!!! At least Calley on August 19, 2009, while speaking to the Kiwanis Club of Greater Columbus, Calley issued an apology for his role in the My Lai massacre. Calley said:
"There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai," Calley told members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Columbus on Wednesday. His voice started to break when he added, "I feel remorse for the Vietnamese who were killed, for their families, for the American soldiers involved and their families. I am very sorry."
I have not heard Bergdhal with any level of humility lift his voice in true remorse!
Finally, what if John Kennedy had after PT-10 made his way to safety then sent help for his men instead of sending a "coconut msg" and staying with them? I am leaving out some details, but just trying to make a point. Bergdhal is a coward plain and simple!!! He should have been listed as #1 with Arnold #2, maybe, IMHO, more importantly he should have gone to Leavenworth.
You have to know others will have your back in difficult times. It is key to unit integrity! If Bergdhal were a CEO and I was interviewing for a job in his company, I'd figure out somewhere else to work!
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