Posted on Jan 22, 2020
Trump MOCKS Greta Thunberg As She Sits In The Audience In Davos, Far left Doesn't Want Solutions
Edited 5 y ago
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 10
"They don't want people to solve the problem, they want to use the problem to gain power"
That, right there, is everything you need to know.
That, right there, is everything you need to know.
What Greta wants to for the entire planet to go back to the stone ages, she rants and raves but she really has no viable idea's.
SSG (Join to see)
I will add this as well, the U.S. funding all of this is crazy, most of the money would never make it to it;s intended purpose, but end up lining someone else's pocket. Hell look at Puerto Rico and what has happened there with politicians hiding tons of supplies, and they are part of the U.S. can you imagine what would happen to the billions they want the U.S. to pony up.
MAJ Byron Oyler
It kills me that she will not fly because of jet pollution but will take boats and trains with huge Diesel engines for much longer trips.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Actually environmental actions by Trump administration so far seem to indicate that's what it wants.
I am part of the "Let Greta go back to school and begin to learn science" fan-club. Far too much anger and rhetoric in that little girl.
MAJ Byron Oyler
It is reported she has Asperger's Syndrome, the anger is real. I think what the adults have been doing here is child abuse. If the right was using a child like this in the US, CPS would have been at the parent's home months ago.
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