Posted on Dec 8, 2019
California shocked to find bill decriminalizing retail theft resulted in... more retail theft
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
As a retired law enforcement officer of the State of California I simply cannot accept how this state has responded to crime. We have increasing crime Viet we lessen the penalties. The two are counter-productive. California has an election makeup similar to the United States. We have a house and a senate. Both are dominated by democrats that come primarily from the coastal areas of the state Where the largest concentration of people live. Those that live in the red areas tend to be conservative but we are outvoted. I don't know why I especially since the people that live in the more populous areas often times your business owners and they're the ones being stolen from. But they're whipping out and saying that we shouldn't be locking criminals up. As far as I'm concerned, if you steal my services or product someone's going to jail! But not in California. I've got with shoplifters quite a bit. It makes absolutely no sense that when someone goes into Sam all that has an empty purse that is usually an indicator of intent to commit burglary. Burglary is not just breaking into something after dark. Burglary is the unlawful entering into a dwelling with the intent of committing theft or any other crime. If you go in with a completely empty purse in my mind you're going in with a purse capable of concealing things that you've stolen. So now we change it from $250 in losses to a $1000? So now the shoplifter gets caught and signs of citation that has a fine attached to it. Talk about abdicating once responsibilities. Senators and assemblyman make $111,000 a year plus per diem and this is how they treat Californians. It is the rich Californians to keep them in a job. Please don't think that the bulk of California is in favor of the nonsense they pull. There are 29 Democrats and only 11 Republicans in the California Senate. It is a foregone conclusion did anything we might want to vote on is going to lose.
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