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Responses: 5
MAJ Raymond Haynes
One of the underlying factors that keeps the Marine Corps such a loyal close knit group is the common bond of Boot Camp and life in our beloved Corps in general. Even the Commandant stated "One standard" in his statement. This is not true concerning females from the very beginning. Their physical training is different, their appearance standards are different, their weight standards are different, their billeting is different, their deployment standards are different. One Marine my ass. The drill instructors do not have to bad mouth females, the recruits are not stupid, they can see things as they really are. I know some of you out there are going to flame me as some kind of "has been" who can not accept the "New Corps". I personally have no problem with women Marines, my problem lies with senior officers who try to blow smoke up my ass with this PC "One Marine" crap. Women can not do the same things Men do, just as Men can not do the same things Women do. They will never be the same, never were, never will be. I would have a lot more respect for the man if he said "Yea, there different, get over it" rather than pushing this "One Marine" crap. As a side note, the scandal about naked pictures of women Marines showing up on the Internet. Where do they think those pictures came from in the first place. Can someone say "Conduct Unbecoming"? Remember those pictures of male Marines pissing on dead Taliban bodies that showed up on the Internet. It created a healthy dose of BCD's and ruined careers, maybe if they were naked, all would be forgiven. Add that to list of "One Marine" bullshit. That's OK Gen.Berger, you will get your post-retirement job in corporate America, your PC attitude is just what they are looking for, but the Marines that you led expected better.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
5 y
You are correct MAJ Raymond Haynes . You cannot put an equal sign between male and female Marines. The standards have always been different. That doesn't mean women cannot serve honorably in many roles but senior officers acting like there is one standard and we are all the same is only parroted for consumption in Washington DC. It is complete bovine stool everywhere else. He is only trying to make/keep some politician happy and off his back. He, like most general officers are afraid to speak the truth as their career might be cut short or they may be dragged before some committee with a handful of feminist congresswomen looking to extract their pound of flesh.
SSG Robert Mark Odom
SSG Robert Mark Odom
5 y
Cpl Jeff N. Tell them that Jeffery.
Cpl Daniel Cunningham
Cpl Daniel Cunningham
5 y
I don't think the Commandant means physically the same, but rather in their attitudes. I have known WM's who would break down and cry if they saw a mangled dead body. I have also seen WM's who would look at the body and shoot it again to make sure it was dead and wouldn't come after her or her unit again.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
5 y
SSG Robert Mark Odom - I have and have no qualm doing so. The standard have been and continue to be different. That is simply a fact. I was there, I saw it every day. certainly around anything physical. Most women Marines know it and will tell you so.

The picture proves/substantiates nothing. Women have been in the Marine Corps for decades. As I said, they serve honorably in many areas. This should not be construed or conflated to mean that women and men in the Marine Corps are equal. That there are the same expectation, the same physical fitness tests, the same deployment standards etc. etc. etc. That is simply not true.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
At least he knows that there are some views out there that are a problem...
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Cpl Software Engineer
Edited 5 y ago
I blame the "modern" civilian social culture(s). Social media, along with the total indoctrination of K-12 kids and college are changing the younger generations, but not for the better.
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