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Responses: 3
LT Brad McInnis
The writer needs a little more time studying.
1) Amphibious ops are not lacking firepower due to the reduction of the Ohio class subs. Subs don't carry 5" guns for NSFS, nor do they hang anywhere around the shore, except for port calls.
2) Removing the gun, and putting a spread of VLS doesn't work. There are a ton of engineering and footprint issues. It is like putting a square peg in a round hole. Can be done, but the cost would be prohibitive.

My 2 cents... the Zumwalt ran into problems when the Burke's were redesigned from FLT I, to II. Zumwalt became too expensive, and non-tested equipment. With a few, my guess would be they will use them as test platforms to refine stealth tech, and new power, weapons, and C2I infrastructure.
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SrA John Monette
seems to me those billions of dollars could have been better spent somewhere else, say, strengthening the nation's healthcare system, or the education systems, or infrastructure
SSgt William Quinn
SSgt William Quinn
5 y
Except that there is not enumerated power for the federal government to tax and spend on federal healthcare, education and only infrastructure that supports national defense.
SPC Angela Burnham
SPC Angela Burnham
5 y
SSgt William Quinn - And yet it does, implying the funds for the Zumwalt could have been spent improving any of those three significantly.
SSgt William Quinn
SSgt William Quinn
5 y
Constitution gives no authority as I have stated. None noted are an enumerated power and the 10th Amendment clearly states "all powers not enumerated fall to the states and people." Not co-opted by congress or an executive order because some people want.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the great share Angela
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