SPC Angela Burnham

SPC Angela Burnham

Dates of Service: Aug 2008 - Aug 2015
85% Complete
65 Contacts
Influence Score: 202,338
505 out of 868,048 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2 Sep 08
  • PFC Aug 09
  • SPC Oct 10

Recent Activity  -


I joined the US Army August 27th, 2008. After medically separating from active duty, I enrolled into the IRR and joined the NY Guard. I deployed to Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, and the November 2014 Snowstorms in Western New York. In early 2014, I became one of the first transgender women allowed to serve openly in the US Military. I currently advocate for transgender service members and veterans.

Military Experiences

Aug 2009 - Aug 2015
53rd TC
Radio Operator/Maintainer
  • Deploy to natural disasters and other states of emergency as ordered.
  • Implement communication and operational security policies and procedures.
  • Assist in recruitment, training, and retention of all soldiers on a company grade level.

    Awards include 1st Prov. RGT. Medal, Distinguished Graduate Ribbon, NYG Service Ribbon, NYS Recruiting Medal, 2 Human Service to NYS Medals, Army Service Ribbon, NDSM, 2 Commander Citations, and the WNY Soldier of the Year Award (2011).
  • Sep 2008 - Jun 2009
    30th AG
    Human Resources Specialist
    After graduating BCT, I was assigned to the Personal Affairs and Banking (PAB) office at 30th AG while healing from injuries sustained in BCT. My primary duties involved in-processing new recruits into the Army's RECBASS system, setting up new soldiers with their SGLI and GI Bill plans, out-processing recruits leaving with entry level separations, and assisting cadre with basic D&C instruction.


    (7 months)
    Nov 2014 - Dec 2014
    Operation Lake Effect
    Assisted with disaster response in New York's Southern Tier during historic lake effect snow storms, provided access control and radio dispatch in national guard armories. Helped coordinate disaster response between federal, state, and municipal agencies and area military forces through NIMS.
    Oct 2012 - Dec 2012
    Hurricane Sandy
    Aided disaster relief efforts around New York City, specifically in the Rockaways and Coney Island. Performed patrols through areas heavily affected by Hurricane Sandy to deter looting and identify civilians in need of assistance. Escorted FEMA representatives through disaster zones; helped distribute humanitarian aid to disaster victims.
    Aug 2011 - Sep 2011
    Hurricane Irene
    Deployed to help disaster relief efforts in response to Hurricane Irene and subsequent flooding around downstate NY. Assisted with road clearance missions in areas heavily affected by flooding. Provided access control and radio communication at regional national guard armories.

    Military Credentials

    Professional Development Schools

    Sep 2008 - Nov 2008

    Individual & Special Skill Schools

    Jul 2011 - Aug 2011

    Security Clearance

    Academic Degrees

    How are you connected to the military?
    • Active Duty
    • Active Reserve / National Guard
    • Pre-Commission
    • Veteran / Retired
    • Civilian Supporter