Posted on Nov 26, 2019
Trump's strain with Pentagon inspires talk of more departures
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 10
I think this is as much due to fears about getting called to testify in a sham but high visibililty mess...
no one can do their jobs. A pox on all their houses!
no one can do their jobs. A pox on all their houses!
Biased and several inaccuracies based on the old anonymous sources. The Navy has a saying, “A bitching sailor, is a happy sailor,” Didn’t know it went to the top. If you are one of the most senior leader in the military and unhappy, grow a pair and retire. There are many replacements snapping at your heels.
Maybe it is time for them to go- to state you are leaving your career because of one individual and his are not fit to lead in the military anyway. Civilians posts are different- militarily we don't have a choice in what our leadership does.
SSG Robert Mark Odom
No doubt about it one has very little choice not to follow orders when serving in the military.
Maj Marty Hogan
SSG Robert Mark Odom - sad the day is when we pick and chose. It effects our order and discipline. I try to keep to myself- I make jokes, but keep my political and religious leanings close.
MAJ Byron Oyler
I take issue with leaders that will leave their posts because they do not agree with sr leadership. I am a seasoned ICU nurse directing a Virtual Health department and would be happy any day to go back to taking care of sick people. That being said, it is not all about me and more so if I did, what about the people that follow me? We as leaders have an obligation to take care of those that follow us and when we get our noses in the air because we do not like something our bosses said, abandoning your people in their greatest hour of need is simply wrong. I respect the hell out of GEN Mattis and wish he was still SECDEF but lost a bit of respect when he resigned.
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