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Responses: 5
Lt Col Charlie Brown
My favorite response is "thank you for sharing your point of view"
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
5 y
My favorite is, "it's too bad you feel that way!"
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
5 y
SSG Brian G. Thank you for your input, works too
Deborah Gregson
Deborah Gregson
5 y
It's very difficult when the person is your dad or another family member. I've found the best solution is to put distance between us for personal and emotional health.
TSgt David Holman
TSgt David Holman
5 y
Deborah Gregson - I have had to employ the same method. It is almost at the point where when certain people give their point of view, I just give them a blank stare while thinking "if I had wanted your opinion, I would have given it to you".
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SPC Stewart Smith
This article is entirely wrong. I would know because I'm always right.
JK, my favorite thing to say to these people is, "You're very opinionated."
SPC Stewart Smith
SPC Stewart Smith
5 y
I was in a conversation with SSG Bob Ricci the other day. He ended up blocking me from responding to his comments.
The strangest thing is he thought I was trying to fight with him. He flat out lied 21 times, hurled insult after insult, and refused to read what he was saying. It was the strangest thing.
Over on one of those "the view" postings. My final comment I just quoted all his lies and pointed them out so he could see them, but by that time it was hopeless. He kept stalking my profile. He even stalked it a couple times today.
Looking back on that thread I'm thinking maybe he was just trolling me. If he was, he did a fantastic job and hats off to him. If he's really that closed minded and disrespectful then I don't want anything to do with him.
EDIT: I also took screen shots of the conversation in case he decided to delete his comments, but he didn't delete them. I feel like I would have felt embarrassed the next day and deleted them.
Deborah Gregson
Deborah Gregson
5 y
SPC Stewart Smith - The most difficult thing about social media is the inability to hear a person's tone of voice, see facial expression or immediately respond to what is a comment taken in a way that is perceived wrong. In a face to face conversation or often in one over the phone corrections can be made when a person misunderstands what you have said, but when you are typing back and forth in short bursts with each other (and even worse when several people are involved in the conversation) there is often little hope of resolving the issue and coming to a resolution. It was good that you tried to do this but don't feel you failed to explain to him your intentions. He either wasn't understanding your tone or he did have his mind set on having an argument that day. In either case at some point the best thing to do is disengage from the conversation and know some who read it will get your point and others won't.
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
5 y
Deborah Gregson - Typing a message is definitely different than a face to face. It is very easy to misunderstand a humorous statement when presented especially if it is subtle and one can take offense. If it looks out of character from my estimation of an other's personality,i assume it is a joke or sarcasm.Of course that doesn't work with someone you have had no interactions with.
As PO3 Bob McCord and SPC Stewart Smith bantered at the beginning of this comment,it is all in perception.
SPC Stewart Smith
SPC Stewart Smith
5 y
You all are great. I don't even know any of you, but I just feel the comradery that I did while I was in the army when I talk with you.
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
The holidays are right around the corner. I can't wait.
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
5 y
Cynthia C. I heard it is today.
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
5 y
Cynthia C. We got snow in September in Washington State.
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
5 y
Cynthia C. This is an old one taken during a September day.
CPL Douglas Chrysler
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