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Responses: 8
LTC Stephen C.
I would say another barking voice from the lunatic fringe, SCPO Morris Ramsey, but it seems as though the fringe has now overwhelmed the left.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett, President Trump is to be afforded the presumption of innocence just like any other U.S. citizen. He must be impeached by the House and tried and convicted by the Senate. But you know all that.
You’re also asking leading questions, which I’m sure you think are clever, but frankly they’re most disingenuous. You’ve done this many times before. Don’t expect me to follow you down your rabbit hole.
SSgt Christopher Brose SGT John Sprague SCPO Morris Ramsey
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - The Democrats are showing their ass to the rest of the country. Since they control the House, and since the ends justifies the means for them, they'll do whatever it takes to impeach Trump regardless of how tenuous the argument. If their articles of impeachment are in any way based on the presumption of guilt for Trump not taking an active part in the sham that's going on, so much the better for our side. Once they put it down on paper, there's no avoiding the consequences. And those consequences will include the Senate clearing Trump of all charges, Trump remaining in office, Trump getting reelected, and most likely Democrats losing control of the House.

To answer your previous question, it's not so much that I'm OK with Trump committing crimes as it is that I don't think he committed crimes. Given the choice of believing Trump or believing partisan hacks' interpretation of events, yours included, I'm going with Trump.
SCPO Morris Ramsey
SCPO Morris Ramsey
5 y
I meant you are free to express your opinion. Capt Gregory Prickett
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
5 y
The only people willing to overlook the corruption are the establishment, career criminals, err politicians of both parties. The only person that could have exposed and disrupted the status quo has been elected and will be reelected.

The most disturbing things to watch are the leftists' politicians advocating to disarm the public, by force if necessary while their constituents cheer them on and the career politicians in both parties who are willing to compromise themselves to oust a lawfully elected president by any means necessary, including malfeasance.

It's all career politicians who are desperate and power hungry. Unfortunately, we see the career politicians being reelected year after year and both of them, left and right, are angry that someone who has a temporary seat is exposing them for the tyrants they have become.

Wake up greg, your politicians are no saints, at least we who refuse the democrat party are willing to call out ours. "Ditch mitch" was a call created by republicans, but in our republic we the people can't vote in every state, nor every district where the career criminals are reelected by the misinformed. #TermLimits
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LTC Wayne Brandon
More ramping up of the snivel meter from the left.
They can't take him down no matter how much yelping and complaining they do.
I just don't see it happening. (And I thought Bill Clinton was Mr. Teflon)
SCPO Morris Ramsey
SCPO Morris Ramsey
5 y
I support the 1st Amendment. 1stCapt Gregory Prickett
LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - I'm never in favor of corruption in any form.
As yet nothing has been proven (You remember, due process; guilt proven beyond reasonable doubt, etc.) only alleged.
There is no justification for this coups against Trump which began even before he took office. It seems the deeper Barr goes with the criminal investigation the more nervous the left gets and the harder they press their efforts to bring him down in any way they can. Hmm...
Face it, Schiff is a scoundrel of the highest order having conducted himself in a most dishonorable manner during this entire episode. If the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be making the same arguments so I guess I can ask you the same question: Why are you in favor of the corruption in terms of Democrats are due process in the way they’re handing the impeachment inquiry trying to keep House Republicans out of the process?

BTW, did you complete the exercise I gave you in our last conversation?
When you do, I'll respond to your comments regarding the Orthodox church.
LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Well, Captain Pickett, It would seem as if you aren't as well heeled in the English language as you would like others to imagine.
You assume that my intention was to use it as a noun rather than a synonym where the world coup relates to the word 'ousting'. Now if I'm using this term incorrectly, then so is the attorney for the whistleblower but perhaps you are the only one privy to its correct use, but I doubt it. By way of example I offer the following by Mark Zaid:
The attorney representing the "whistleblower" who filed a complaint against President Trump with House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, Mark Zaid, is doubling down on comments he made in 2017 about supporting a coup against President Trump.
Mark S. Zaid

#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers https://twitter.com
As for any earthly Bishop telling me anything, there isn't one and if you believe that a person cannot rightly divide the word of God where the Word himself tells us such things, then you couldn't be more wrong. In fact I find it quite interesting that a professing agnostic would have any comprehension of spiritual things since spiritual things are discerned spiritually, the very element you deny. No one can comprehend spiritual things with a carnal mind. So there you have it - The one and only true 'Bishop' is the Shepard that is Jesus Christ and through Him and Him alone are we given truth so if you disagree I guess you would have to argue with Him; Good luck with that...
I'll look forward to reading your answers to the questions about the true church.
LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - I'm not at all ignoring the Orthodox church.
In fact I find it to be an interesting study and have found a number of both theological and doctrinal problems with it and I'm just getting started.
I'd appreciate knowing what studies those are and who conducted them.
As far as the intention to deceive as you allege, you are still wrong and yes I did read the context of the tweet. You were the one taking issue with the spelling and use and you are still completely wrong about that as well.
Well, enough of this. Let me know when you have completed the exercise I gave you that Christ gave to me through His word. I'm sure you will learn something you don't yet know.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
This is spot on. He also corrupted the federal government by hiring ass kissers who protect and lie for him.
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