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Responses: 17
MSgt Michael Bischoff
Why is this PC, it is a religion and the Right is all for preserving religious rights aren't they?
SPC Angela Burnham
SPC Angela Burnham
5 y
That's the whole point of the CoS. They don't actually worship Lucifer, they just use him to point out the double standards conservatives use.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
5 y
Christianity , Islam, and other religions want special rights and don't want others having equal rights. This is why it is imperative to fights against this and build the wall of separation between church and state.
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MSgt Stephen Council
CWO3 Dennis M. Nothing is too absurd for a liberal, democrat, base that is hell bent (pardon the obvious pun) on destroying the very fabric of our society...
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
As much as I despise this and the thought of it being allowed, legally it has to be. If we, the evangelicals or other religions want the right, ability, and freedom to worship our God they have the right to worship theirs albeit in my eyes it is wrong...but it is their right. I don't want to throw out all religions ability to worship freely at the expense of not allowing one. God give us free will and if they choose this disastrous path (IMHO) then so be it.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
5 y
Why do you despise the thought of it being allowed? Do you even know what Satanism preaches?
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
5 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff I know what satanism preachea abd I dont care dor it at all...goes against my beliefs...HOWEVER, it is their right to worship it according to our constitution and laws and I swore to uphold and protect those rights whether or not I agree or like them.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
5 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth -

So you don't believe in these things:
People should act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason...

How about struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit...

What about one's body is inviolable and subject to one's own will....

Freedoms of others should be respected - including freedom to offend...

Scientific facts shouldn't be distorted to fit one's beliefs

Or perhaps compassion, wisdom and justice should always prevail...

Those things don't seem very unreasonable. Do they violate your religious beliefs? If so I would review your religion and its tenets.
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