Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Ok, political science according to Cpt. Cable.
The so called Tea Party was the start of a Revolution within the Republican Party that forced the Party away from the Coasts back into Fly Over America that both parties had ignored since Ronald Reagan. The reason that it happened in the Republican Party instead of within the Democrats is twofold. The top of the Democratic Party has always been steered by the big Democratic Political Machines, like Daly's in Chicago, and the Republican primaries are pretty democratic by comparison. Look at Sanders last election and Gabbard in the upcoming one as evidence of this statement. Second, the Democratic Party abandoned the working and middle class, embraced the ultra wealthy and have been coopted by the extreme Progressive elements more and more each election. Then there is the fact that the RNC tried to run candidates acceptable to the Press and it didn't work very well. How much real difference is there between the Bush's, Clinton, Obama, McCain and Romney? I didn't see enough of a difference to support any of them and voted third party. I did vote for GWB once, but only as a protest vote against John Kerry, and I now look at it as a mistake. It had been apparent since 2008 that if the Republicans were going to elect another President, they needed one that played in Middle America and not to the Press on both coasts. Please note how the press loved McCain and Romney as long as they weren't running for President. Donald Trump is what you get when you ignore the needs and values of a large portion of the population. If you want to know how the Republican Party is going to go on Impeachment? Watch Mitch McConnell. I'm not a huge Fan of Mitch, but he brings home the bacon to Kentucky and has to be the smartest man in the Senate. He was not thrilled about the elections of Rand Paul (my favorite Senator BTW) and he supported Trump because he is practical enough to realize that he was going to be the next President. He will keep those that are tempted to stray in the fold. As long as McConnell is in Trump's corner, the impeachment is dead in the water.
My bet is that Trump will get another term. I'm very curious to see who Durham indicts, which the cynical side of me says that the impeachment is simply a ploy to keep that out of the news cycle. Once the indictments start, someone always rolls, then it may get really interesting. That and the fact that a Judge is in the process of reversing Flynn's convictions and probably will sanction all the prosecutors involved for blatantly ignoring the discovery rules.
The so called Tea Party was the start of a Revolution within the Republican Party that forced the Party away from the Coasts back into Fly Over America that both parties had ignored since Ronald Reagan. The reason that it happened in the Republican Party instead of within the Democrats is twofold. The top of the Democratic Party has always been steered by the big Democratic Political Machines, like Daly's in Chicago, and the Republican primaries are pretty democratic by comparison. Look at Sanders last election and Gabbard in the upcoming one as evidence of this statement. Second, the Democratic Party abandoned the working and middle class, embraced the ultra wealthy and have been coopted by the extreme Progressive elements more and more each election. Then there is the fact that the RNC tried to run candidates acceptable to the Press and it didn't work very well. How much real difference is there between the Bush's, Clinton, Obama, McCain and Romney? I didn't see enough of a difference to support any of them and voted third party. I did vote for GWB once, but only as a protest vote against John Kerry, and I now look at it as a mistake. It had been apparent since 2008 that if the Republicans were going to elect another President, they needed one that played in Middle America and not to the Press on both coasts. Please note how the press loved McCain and Romney as long as they weren't running for President. Donald Trump is what you get when you ignore the needs and values of a large portion of the population. If you want to know how the Republican Party is going to go on Impeachment? Watch Mitch McConnell. I'm not a huge Fan of Mitch, but he brings home the bacon to Kentucky and has to be the smartest man in the Senate. He was not thrilled about the elections of Rand Paul (my favorite Senator BTW) and he supported Trump because he is practical enough to realize that he was going to be the next President. He will keep those that are tempted to stray in the fold. As long as McConnell is in Trump's corner, the impeachment is dead in the water.
My bet is that Trump will get another term. I'm very curious to see who Durham indicts, which the cynical side of me says that the impeachment is simply a ploy to keep that out of the news cycle. Once the indictments start, someone always rolls, then it may get really interesting. That and the fact that a Judge is in the process of reversing Flynn's convictions and probably will sanction all the prosecutors involved for blatantly ignoring the discovery rules.
SSG Robert Mark Odom
Your analysis is both interesting and refreshing. Out of curiosity, what political impact do you think Newt Gingrich had on the evolution of the Tea Party and the current political climate?
CPT Lawrence Cable
SSG Robert Mark Odom - I think that he broke the ground to show that it was possible to make serious changes within the Party, although in reality he was pretty much a standard Reaganite. I think the present group would be more at home with Teddy Roosevelt, populist and Pro American. The crowd that elected Trump are pro tariff, anti illegal immigrations and in favor of serious curtailing legal immigration, much more non interventionist, and anti tax. They recognize that globalism (Neoliberalism, if you are familiar with the term. It has little or nothing to do with what we call Liberals in the US) really means that the political elite abandoned them in exchange for more profits for Wall Street.
I don't think that it's possible for the Democrats to reverse their slide to the left. There is just too much money involved on that side. Even Bernie is a three house millionaire socialist.
I don't think that it's possible for the Democrats to reverse their slide to the left. There is just too much money involved on that side. Even Bernie is a three house millionaire socialist.
CPT Lawrence Cable
And here is an interesting article. This is a lightly moderated financial news, and politics and war are financial news stories. BTW, Tyler Durden is the protagonist on Fight Club, if you didn't recognize the name. It's the pen name for the guy that hosts the sight and he is surprisingly accurate most of the time.

Brennan's Spy? New Theories Emerge About Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower
"He’s there to do the dirty work of the deep state..."
I am one of the
56% of Republicans that would say President Trump is not "honest," and
33% of Republicans that would say President Trump does not make me proud.
and I still will cast my vote for President Trump. That is how pathetic the DNC field of candidates and their espoused policies are.
For the 2016 election my choices were broccoli or asparagus. There's not enough cheese sauce to choke down asparagus. I don't care what you put on asparagus, I'm not eating it.
For the 2020 election cycle my choices are broccoli or (something my mom would slap me for bringing up in polite company) All the cheese made by man since the dawn of cheese can't cover that bad taste. So it broccoli for dinner until January 20, 2024.
Vote Trump
56% of Republicans that would say President Trump is not "honest," and
33% of Republicans that would say President Trump does not make me proud.
and I still will cast my vote for President Trump. That is how pathetic the DNC field of candidates and their espoused policies are.
For the 2016 election my choices were broccoli or asparagus. There's not enough cheese sauce to choke down asparagus. I don't care what you put on asparagus, I'm not eating it.
For the 2020 election cycle my choices are broccoli or (something my mom would slap me for bringing up in polite company) All the cheese made by man since the dawn of cheese can't cover that bad taste. So it broccoli for dinner until January 20, 2024.
Vote Trump
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