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Responses: 8
CPT Jack Durish
Wow! This is possibly the worst pile of bullshit I've seen yet.
1. The US has treaties with other nations calling on all to help root out corruption. There is no election involved in his request to investigate crimes committed by the Bidens (after Joe Biden admitted to interfering in Ukranian interests including a threat to withhold aid in exchange for stopping an investigation into his son's business dealings)
2. WTF? Is President Trump supposed to divest himself of all his holdings? Absurd. And, what evidence is there that he had any hand in the management of these businesses when these transactions occurred? Is he even aware of them? Where's the evidence. As for hosting the G7 at the Doral, it's an ideal spot, away from the public which might mitigate some of the trouble that G7 meetings always attract. This is just a rant.
3. Trump has business interests every where. Which decisions has he made using his business interests as a basis? Where is any evidence? Again, just a rant.
4. Where in the Mueller report is there any evidence that Trump sought financial aid from Russia for his campaign? More bullshit. More rant.
5. He has to deal with authoritarian regimes. What should he do? Insult them? Lob bombs at them? Actually, President Trump has done more to open diplomatic dialog than most recent Presidents thereby relieving pressure that might lead to war.
6. American intelligence agencies were employed to sabotage his campaign for office and there's evidence suggesting that they didn't stop even after he was elected.
Now, of course, you may claim that my rant is no more valid that the one in this video. Why should I waste my time providing more detailed responses when your pre-conceived judgments are so well entrenched that nothing I offer will be acceptable. So, go right on. I don't give a damn what you think. I simply responded so that others who have the misfortune of stumbling upon this pile of crap will know that there are other piles of crap that smell just as bad and maybe they should avoid them all
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
CPL Earl Kochis - no, that's incorrect. The prosecutor that was fired wasn't investigating anyone, much less Biden's son or company. Second, Trump and his Chief of Staff have admitted that the aid was held up by them, and numerous Trump aides have testified that there was a quid pro quo.

But answer this--why are you OK with foreign countries interfering with our elections?
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett That's the most humorous post I read today.
CPL Earl Kochis
CPL Earl Kochis
5 y
Let’s see other countries interfering in our election!! Clinton’s accepted donations from Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and nothing was said Obama the same you don’t see that as interference!!! The Steele Document was from a foreign company proven to be a lie!!! But I guess that’s not considered interference!!!Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
CPL Earl Kochis - I typically block and ignore idiots that parrot the Trumpanzee talking points, but I'll give you a chance. Please provide a citation from a reliable source that supports your assertions on Clinton accepting foreign campaign contributions, or, in the absence of that, a copy of the indictment(s).

Second, you need to review the Steele dossier background and not just the talking points of the Trump propaganda machine. Steele was not hired by the campaign or Clinton, he was a paid consultant to a law firm that was hired by the campaign, and as such, complied with election laws. Plus, Steele provided the information as raw intelligence, meaning that he did not take a position on the validity of the information. Most of the information was later validated as truthful.

So again I ask, why are you OK with other countries interfering with our elections? One of Trump's associates is already in prison for campaign finance violations, and Trump was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.

If you want to discuss this, I am OK with that. But if you are just going to spew Trump BS, I'll pass.
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Cpl Jeff N.
Edited 5 y ago
The 6 ways democrats are selling out America. There are many, many more but we will start with 6.

1. Open borders. The democrats do not want to secure the southern border and will allow thousands of illegal aliens to cross and to overburden our system and ultimately to vote democrat.
2. Healthcare: They want a massive government takeover of our healthcare system which ranges from an Obamacare revamp to single payer to medicare for all. Warren just put a price tag of $52 trillion and 2 million jobs.
3. 2nd Amendment: The democrats support laws the will limit legal gun owners rights and some support outright confiscation.
4. Environment: The democrats support the "green new deal" while flying in private jets, driving in motorcades with large SUV's and living in homes that are larger, by far, than the average. This is another multi-trillion dollar bill for tax payers. Side not, Obama just bought a 15 million dollar home in Martha's Vineyard. How concerned do you think they really are about global warming???
5. Freedom of Speech: Democrats support "hate speech" laws that will limit what you can and cannot say. Things they do not like will be categorized as "hate speech". We also have safe rooms, "free speech zones" (Orwellian to say the least), microaggressions which are usually spoken etc. These are all creations of the left/democrats.
6. Free Healthcare for illegals (Ties to number 2) but to a person, the democrat presidential candidates support free healthcare for illegal aliens, something Americans do not even have.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
Cpl Jeff N. - First, I don't have a political party since I left the GOP. Second, the plan that Warren released stated it would cost $20.5 trillion, and laid out how she would pay for it. Other people believe that her plan would cost more. I went over all of this on another thread.

Herre, however, instead of attributing the $52 trillion figure to those who really claim that number, you indicated it was Warren's figure. I don't have a problem with criticizing Warren's plan, but I have a problem with you not being truthful while doing so. You shouldn't indicate that the higher number is hers, when it comes from other people.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Warren, like all politicians is low balling her plan cost. Multiple sources from all sides have priced it at the 52 trillion mark. That is what her plan will cost by many estimates. Because she says it is only 20 trillion doesn't mean anything other than she is wiling to misrepresent it to the public. If you are looking for dishonesty you will find it on the lips of Warren.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Defending his other points would just bring an attack from you that in your mind I would never win.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
Cpl Jeff N. - I have no problem believing that Warren is lying about the number, and I would have no problem with you or anyone else calling her out on that. But that's not what you did. You cited the higher number in a way that made it sound like it was Warren's numbers, when it wasn't. You didn't have to do it that way.
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SSG Robert Mark Odom
Thanks for sharing this important story. The sad part about all of this is that there are those who still believed in his innocence. In spite of all the evidence to the contrary.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
SSG Brian G. - actually, there's plenty of case law on the matter. But the best explanation is at Erik M. Jensen, The Foreign Emoluments Clause, 10 Elon L. Rev. 73, 93-104.
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - And yet here we are almost 4 years in and how many cases filed, 3? One of them already shot down. The rest not looking promising as it cannot be shown that Trump violated the emoluments clause.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
SSG Brian G. - And in over 200 years of having a president, how many times have there been an emoluments cause of action filed against the President, much less 3 in the first term? Let me give you a hint--no other president has accomplished that...
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - What went on before is not relevant. Previous Presidents divested themselves of holdings (if any) voluntarily. Not because they had to but for the mere seeming. What Trump has done is not a violation of the clause. Some THINK that it is, and have the opinion that it is but as the clause it written it is not. And what is more there is no case law that supports that what he has done is illegal or even comes close to stepping afoul of it otherwise the cases would have been filed the very day he took office. And yet were not until he was 2 years in.

Each President is breaking new ground and doing things and having things done that no other before him has. Trump is not special in that regard.
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