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Responses: 4
SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 5 y ago
It makes sense to me. Special Forces are for training indigenous forces and advising with insurgencies. Conventional Forces are for occupation and for protecting against other conventional forces. This is the correct use of military force as instructed at West Point. If you think about it, they are there for more than protect the oilfields against ISIS. They are there to deprive the Syrian government of revenue as well as make it more expensive for the Russians to assist. Thats if the DoD will allow Trump to let them be used that way. Currently they are fighting the issue with Trump..........so I don't think they have decided internally yet what these forces are going to protect against other than ISIS using Oil sales for revenue.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
5 y
Stop that! Everybody knows it’s all about our wanting their oil. (Sarcasm)
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SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
Sounds like it to me.
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SSG Robert Ricci
I will never fancy myself as a strategist. But I'm wondering if this was watch the right hand and don't quite see what the left hand is doing. We get the world in an uproar that we're pulling out oh, and we have, while at the same time we launched a strike to go in for the number one and two leaders of ISIS. The second part of that is if we keep Russia busy now embroiled where we've been for 20 years don't they become less of a issue for us? Let them have the Middle East just like they tried their hand at Afghanistan once before and failed. Why should we spend our blood in our money to keep tribes from fighting with one another? We will never democratize them. People are all twisted about the Kurds without realizing that part of the Kurds are terrorists. But I'm not so quick to let Turkey off the hook. Why is Turkey buying weapon tree from Russia? Whose side is Erdogan on? We need turkey to launch our fighters and bombers. So we put up with a little bit of back talk from a friend. But we got Al-Baghdadi, didn't we? Just like we put up with some back talk from Germany buying their oil from Russia.
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