Posted on Oct 26, 2019
Political Corruption and Headline Surfing Leave Our Children at Risk
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I truly believe in freedom of speech, but freedom to lie. What happened to yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre when there is no fire.
I remember in school I’d take an article in for Current events and I’d have my article plasticized for bulletin board . I do go over and post it myself.. The teacher would say it had to be vetted first.. I’d comment is that because it’s a conservative news source ? You’re out of line with that comment Mr. Herrst. Go sit down ..
and that point I was fed up with these liberal teacher’s left leaning view points
I took my books, my article and my jacket
And walked out of the classroom.. I went down to the Principals office and took a seat On the detention chair.. A few minutes later she was there, she didn’t see me when she reported me as walking out..
the secretary pointed over to me .. she called me to go back to class with her and I refused.. Mr. Bames came out and asked what was happening. .. I knew he and dad shared the same viewpoints.. as did I . He
Guided me in and shut the door .. I told him about the article and others I brought from the Detroit news.. and now she’s saying they have to be vetted yet she never says anything about the Free Press
articles kids bring in.. Mr Bames and I had a long talk and then the bell rang, we shook hands and I gathered my gear and left.. it was Friday and we just happened to have a half day that day. How good was that.. I didn’t want to sing stupid songs
Like “John jingleheimerschmidt anyway..
so stupid , guy had 5 wives , so much
Monogamous marriage .. what kind of example is a song. Like that? I got home
and mom brought up about me walking out of class.. I went to the office and talked to Mr. Bames for an hour . We had a good
Conservative conversation.. about the article I brought in.. My mom’s brother was there and he spouted with ; you’re 8
What you know about being a conseevative ? Enough to not waste time on liberals like you !... Boyd, go to your room, now ! Gladly !! Dad wasn’t coming home until 7 .. he was working.. Mom came and said I owed my incle an apology
For what mom.. telling the truth ? She got her answer .. she left n shut the door.. I got my crystal radio from the drawer ... it had a 8 ft piece of antenna cable .. I wrapped around the curtain rod a few times. And I got my music going .. I built it in cub scouts . When the folks were gone, I got it out and hooked to the tv antenna going out to the antenna on the roof.. I was picking up all kinds of stuff..
one time I got the station that was broadcast late at night .. it was broadcast from a old freighter. Mom n dad came home when I had it hooked up. Dad n I sat n listened. Time to get to bed ! We’ll listen tomorrow night ! Next day we bought big 6 band radio.. it had Shortwave
Upper and lower.. that Air America station came in so good , I wrote the numbers down.. I listened to it and some items sounded kind of anti government. I found out they were in International waters so FCC couldn’t legally touch them.. One night I heard strange noises on that channel.. dad said the gov’t was trying to jam them. So they couldn’t broadcast . Isn’t that illegal? I started looking stuff up and I talked a older gentleman on our court
He knew a lot about that stuff.. I commented how they were in international waters and other ships might need to broadcast what if if was a S-o-s? That other boat might be sinking .. and our own govt might be stopping their signal !
Sure enough, our own National Security agency was jamming Aur America ! a Federal judge issued an injunction, it seemed the NSA thought they were above the lAw.. judge ruled otherwise and held the director in contempt. The President
Suspended the director and the assistant took over.. shortly after JFK was assasinated in a non related sitrep.. I knew other things were going on.. awhile later his brother the atty General was murdered
I never really understood until some years
Later .. that his own Vice President might be in cahoots with it.. Conspiracy theorists
Were everywhere.. So.. who to believe and who to take with a grain of salt.. it be some more years before conclusions be reached that made any sensezz
and that point I was fed up with these liberal teacher’s left leaning view points
I took my books, my article and my jacket
And walked out of the classroom.. I went down to the Principals office and took a seat On the detention chair.. A few minutes later she was there, she didn’t see me when she reported me as walking out..
the secretary pointed over to me .. she called me to go back to class with her and I refused.. Mr. Bames came out and asked what was happening. .. I knew he and dad shared the same viewpoints.. as did I . He
Guided me in and shut the door .. I told him about the article and others I brought from the Detroit news.. and now she’s saying they have to be vetted yet she never says anything about the Free Press
articles kids bring in.. Mr Bames and I had a long talk and then the bell rang, we shook hands and I gathered my gear and left.. it was Friday and we just happened to have a half day that day. How good was that.. I didn’t want to sing stupid songs
Like “John jingleheimerschmidt anyway..
so stupid , guy had 5 wives , so much
Monogamous marriage .. what kind of example is a song. Like that? I got home
and mom brought up about me walking out of class.. I went to the office and talked to Mr. Bames for an hour . We had a good
Conservative conversation.. about the article I brought in.. My mom’s brother was there and he spouted with ; you’re 8
What you know about being a conseevative ? Enough to not waste time on liberals like you !... Boyd, go to your room, now ! Gladly !! Dad wasn’t coming home until 7 .. he was working.. Mom came and said I owed my incle an apology
For what mom.. telling the truth ? She got her answer .. she left n shut the door.. I got my crystal radio from the drawer ... it had a 8 ft piece of antenna cable .. I wrapped around the curtain rod a few times. And I got my music going .. I built it in cub scouts . When the folks were gone, I got it out and hooked to the tv antenna going out to the antenna on the roof.. I was picking up all kinds of stuff..
one time I got the station that was broadcast late at night .. it was broadcast from a old freighter. Mom n dad came home when I had it hooked up. Dad n I sat n listened. Time to get to bed ! We’ll listen tomorrow night ! Next day we bought big 6 band radio.. it had Shortwave
Upper and lower.. that Air America station came in so good , I wrote the numbers down.. I listened to it and some items sounded kind of anti government. I found out they were in International waters so FCC couldn’t legally touch them.. One night I heard strange noises on that channel.. dad said the gov’t was trying to jam them. So they couldn’t broadcast . Isn’t that illegal? I started looking stuff up and I talked a older gentleman on our court
He knew a lot about that stuff.. I commented how they were in international waters and other ships might need to broadcast what if if was a S-o-s? That other boat might be sinking .. and our own govt might be stopping their signal !
Sure enough, our own National Security agency was jamming Aur America ! a Federal judge issued an injunction, it seemed the NSA thought they were above the lAw.. judge ruled otherwise and held the director in contempt. The President
Suspended the director and the assistant took over.. shortly after JFK was assasinated in a non related sitrep.. I knew other things were going on.. awhile later his brother the atty General was murdered
I never really understood until some years
Later .. that his own Vice President might be in cahoots with it.. Conspiracy theorists
Were everywhere.. So.. who to believe and who to take with a grain of salt.. it be some more years before conclusions be reached that made any sensezz
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