Posted on Oct 14, 2019
Chelsea and Hillary Clinton disagree on transgender identity
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
I have been a supporter of LGBTQ rights for 55 years... but am tired of the current crop of in your face millenials..In the 70's no one really cared and when I was in the Marines..the shock was when a woman was straight..I thought they were all lesbians and no one cared. It's the bearded guy wearing the lolita hello kitty dress around kids that causing me problems along with all the name calling. I had a 350 6ft 4 TS friend crying that Trump was gonna throw her into an Oven... such Drama...too much.
The TS men I know, revert back to girlhood sometimes when the going gets too rough. Just like the TS Marine who wanted to wear a Justin Beiber hairstyle instead of a Man's reg. They also revert duing PFT tests and want to score as a woman. So if it's going to be done.. do it right... same rules..same regs.. same training... no drama.
Killery Clinton only looks out for one person, herself. She can care less about the issues or people unless it can somehow further her career. Then once it has served her purpose, she will throw it away.
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