Posted on Oct 10, 2019
Planned Parenthood Plans $45 Million Campaign Against Trump
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Wow, instead of spending $45M on people in need of real reproductive health they'd rather waste it on a campaign of hate. That could buy quite a bit of cancer screening pap smears and mammograms.
You better believe it mark it’s our money although they think it’s theirs to do with what they want. I/we have a voice and maybe we need to talk louder so those old farts that been there almost as long as I’m old can hear
PO2 John Zodun
As a matter of fact yes Capt Gregory Prickett Sir along with a few others. If you don’t I feel sorry for you. I believe in giving as for planned parenthood giving now saves every tax paying person in America money in the long run
PO2 John Zodun
Thanks Capt Gregory Prickett Sir for your thoughts and understanding there’re appreciated always
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