Posted on Oct 9, 2019
Turkish Forces Launch Military Attack Against Kurds At Syrian Border
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
You do realize that turkey is a member of NATO right? I don't like Erdoğan at all, but NATO ally... Considering the kurds and turks are natural born enemies, you have to make a choice? Yes, the kurds are allies against isis/al qaeda, but not by treaty. Lets hear your plan. Kick Turkey from nato and then retaliate? An exit plan was always going to be needed. What's your exit plan?
LT Brad McInnis
Dammit Cpl (Join to see) ! Don't make the butt hurt liberals actually think about a problem and provide a coherent response ! All they know is "ORANGE MAN BAD" !!! They have been brainwashed and need to be deprogrammed... (Okay, end the sarcasm, for now) Have a great day, buddy.
For real now, if the handful of troops we had there, were killed as the Turks moved in, President Trump would have been hammered for not supporting out troops more. They were never anything more than a speed bump (like Korea), and a caucus belli when they are slaughtered by the Turks.
For real now, if the handful of troops we had there, were killed as the Turks moved in, President Trump would have been hammered for not supporting out troops more. They were never anything more than a speed bump (like Korea), and a caucus belli when they are slaughtered by the Turks.
Cpl (Join to see)
LT Brad McInnis Unfortunately, it's not just the butthurt left. there are quite a few conservatives who are upset with the move.
LT Brad McInnis
Cpl (Join to see) - I agree, and many of them are the ones who have never served, or have any sons or daughters that have served.
We shall see how this plays out. The Kurds are very adept at defeating incursions like this in the past.
Turkey *says* this is a clearing operation to clear militants from the area and has limited goals.
I'm curious what Assad thinks of this invasion.
Turkey *says* this is a clearing operation to clear militants from the area and has limited goals.
I'm curious what Assad thinks of this invasion.
SPC Kevin Ford
1SG (Join to see) Assad might be OK with it in the short term, as long as the Turks pull back when they are done. Go in and kill a group neither like. Win-win. Well for them.
I wonder if the Kurds will try to turn to the Russians? They seem to be the only player that could provide them cover after we left them out to dry. The Russians may not be interested though as they are backing Assad.
I wonder if the Kurds will try to turn to the Russians? They seem to be the only player that could provide them cover after we left them out to dry. The Russians may not be interested though as they are backing Assad.
1SG (Join to see)
SPC Kevin Ford - Nope, not the Russians.
They are on their own here unless we reconsider our position.
They are on their own here unless we reconsider our position.
SPC Kevin Ford
1SG (Join to see) - That's how I suspect it will go as well. They might try but the Russians have put their bets on Assad.
SGT Wanda Shepherd
SPC Kevin Ford Remember Flynn was an undocumented foreign agent to Turkey lied about his conversations with Russia. I'm now watching Rachel Maddow which Wendy Sherman says Russia is supporting Turkey against the Kurds.
I hate Erdogan but Turkey is a NATO member. I know where my feelings lie but I also know that the middle east is a nightmare.
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