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Responses: 6
SSgt Terry P.
SGT (Join to see) You and i both know this isn't reasonable,instituting "Red Flag" laws is only another way of removing ALL guns.Do not misunderstand,i don't believe everyone should have a gun,but laws affecting unstable persons are all ready in place everywhere i know of that one can buy a gun(background checks) again when applying for a carry permit which to me is a double check.Accountability for a gun by a LEGAL firearm owner s also in place. Adding more "laws" will not deter those determined to commit a crime whether they are unstable or not.
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
5 y
SSgt Joseph Baptist - "Red Flag" laws allow a person to accuse someone they dislike or disagree with, and that person - gun owner or not - then gets hit with a SWAT style raid int eh dark of night, has their property ransacked in a search for weapons or threatening communications (this means the police can search your computers, notebooks, diary, etc.) and the target faces a very real threat of "accidentally" being shot by police if they make any mistake - due to shock, surprise, or fatigue - during the conduct of the raid. I do not disagree with this comment. My thoughts run along the same lines.
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
5 y
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Red flag laws are problematic
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 y
I think it is only a matter of time before Red Flag laws arrive and believe we can either fight them completely or work to control them. I favor the latter and believe for any Red Flag law to come into play, the person the weapons are being taken from are placed into protective custody or some places, emergency orders of detainment, both signed by a judge. The person goes to a mental facility and firearms someplace else. The ACLU would probably fight this and suddenly a group usually against conservatives is now an ally. It will elevate the seriousness of Red Flag laws to involuntary hospitalization and I believe protect the everyday citizen from scared people because they own a firearm and have a confederate flag in their garage (for the record I do not).
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
Legal Swatting (because I don't like you! Mphh! Mphh!)
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