731 detainees have been RELEASED from the US military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and not ONE was executed, beheaded, blown up, hacked to death, dragged naked and lifeless through the streets, drowned or burned alive. All things enemies of the US have done to us and/or our allies. At Gitmo, detainees enjoy FREE Qurans, prayer rugs/beads, white robes, beards, call to prayer, directions to Mecca, services of US military Muslim chaplains, world class health, vision and dental care, halal and holy Muslim holiday meals, recreation, TV, DVD's, video games, library, sports and more. Show me ONE radical Islamist detention facility, let alone amenities such as these provided by our enemies. And at least 30 percent of all detainees that have been released have returned to jihad or are suspected of having done so. There is no moral comparison between how detainees are treated at Gitmo and how our enemies treat their captives. The Islamist equivalent to Gitmo is a pile of heads.