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Responses: 5
CW5 Jack Cardwell
All they worry about is getting reelected.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 y
Of course the Republicans don't.

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SSG Michael Noll
Roger that brother
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LCDR Joshua Gillespie
I whole-heartedly agree that the best thing we can do is vote our consciences, write our representatives, and have our voices heard.

What I fear many proponents of so-called "reasonable" "gun control" don't realize is that each of these measures pushes us closer to irrevocable reductions of our freedoms. The nature of a compromise is mutual agreement...not the victory of one point of view over another, and yet I don't hear many people on the "other side" seeking compromise. Clearly define for me what a "mental health issue" is, and what the standard will be for taking someone's rights as a result. Provide me with the protections that will be codified in law to protect innocent citizens from the fraudulent use of "red flag" laws. Give me some anticipated statistical result of either that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of, and therefore the perpetual need for these proposals...or permit them to be repealed if proven ineffectual.

I ask those questions rhetorically, because I do not expect there are any answers. Each is a pry-bar that once placed into the provisions of law, will eventually allow for de-facto enforcement of a disarmed society. I am 100% convinced that they'll start with the "black rifles", then move onto the semi-auto handguns, and eventually...that trusty old Marlin lever action behind your fridge. I offer Great Britain as the example...where even a knife is considered too much responsibility for the average citizen to wield.
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