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LCDR Joshua Gillespie
Edited 6 y ago
I've always understood that you can fire .223 through a rifle chambered for 5.56...but shouldn't the other way 'round. I fire .223 through my 5.56, 1:7 sometimes, and haven't seen any negative results...I'm not "high speed" enough to tell if I'm more accurate at say 100- 200 yrds. when shooting NATO rounds vs. .223...but I do know the frangible stuff is hard(-ish) to find and costs more.
CW5 Jack Cardwell
CW5 Jack Cardwell
6 y
Correct you can fire .223 in a 5.56 chamber but not the other way around. No matter .223 or 5.56 the twist rate is a matter of bullet weight. Heavier bullets like slower twist rates, normally. M16A1 had a fast twist rate, 1:12. Bullet was 55 great. M16A2 and versions after that had a 1:7 slower twist for the current 62 gr bullet.
SSG Harry Outcalt
SSG Harry Outcalt
4 y
It's the same calber in metric vs U.S. unit of measure
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent share Chief, thank you.
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