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Responses: 9
Maj John Bell
Let's see... "refused to hold Russia accountable for annexing Crimea in 2014."

But go back in history
_The Ukraine was ready to join NATO at the end of the Bush administration.
_The Obama administration signaled to the Russians that Ukraine's NATO membership was not a core issue
_Two years into the Obama administration, nothing was done as Russia increased pressure on the Ukraine.
_As popular discontent threatened to dislodge a pro-Russian government in the Ukraine, the Obama administration took weak measure to counter act Russia, essentially green lighting Russian annexation of the Crimea and quite literally blamed the situation on the Bush administration, which ended six year prior.

But you want to throw mud at the Trump administration because it has little choice but to accept a fait accompli handed to it by the Obama administration. Or did I miss something?
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
5 y
Maj John Bell - What you said was "Putin's known assessment that President Obama was feckless and conflict averse". Where are you getting that? Specifically, that this was Putin's assessment, and that it was known.

I understand why you may feel that way. I am just not seeing attributing the sentiment to Putin.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
5 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - I'm getting it from the articles I listed above and more. It was fairly common fodder for the pundits on all of the broadcast and cable networks, regardless of network bias, from about 2 years into the Obama administration. Multiple analysts wrote and/or spoke of their personal antagonism and distaste for each other.

If you are looking for a quote by President Putin saying President Obama was feckless and conflict averse... no, I can't provide one. Most world leaders stay within the diplomatic norm and don't personally and publicly insult each other. The norm is to let government and media surrogates do it for them. But there are plenty of respected analysts and academics who have made the case, in respected international relations and foreign affairs journals, that President Putin thought the US was a superpower led by a lamb under President Obama.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
5 y
Maj John Bell - Fair enough. You know this stuff well and it isn't a stretch to think that Putin would think of Obama that way, though he likely thinks of most people that way, ego driven as he is. Though it certainly comes off as you representing your own feelings about Obama, but couched through an observation about Putin based on what you have read.

At the same time, I don't think you can make a case that Trump has held Putin to account for anything, and often appears to be acceding to exactly what Putin wants, making moves that work more in favor of Russia an Putin than the United States. He certainly isn't engaging the Russian leader from a position of strength.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
5 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - My feelings about President Obama...

I actually read his books that had been published prior to his election "Dreams of My Father," "The Audacity of Hope," and "Change We Can Believe in." Taking him as a man of his word, I think he had and has great intentions for this nation. But I disagree greatly with him on how much of a role local, state, and federal government should play in the lives of individual's, and the role the US should play in the world. But disagreeing with him about government doesn't cause me to have any ill will or dislike of him.
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CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
I could truly care less what anyone's political beliefs are. If you are the type of person who believes everything the 24/7 news cycle tell you, so be it. However, if your goal regarding this post is to simply "trash talk" the POTUS (as it seems to be), you might find yourself getting very little traction on this site.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
5 y
I'm curious... Are you an admin, or self-appointed traction police?

I don't believe you are being entirely genuine when you say, "I could truly care less what anyone's political beliefs are".
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
5 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney Well believe this, I care even less what you believe.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
5 y
CW3 (Join to see) - You can't just as I thought, all you have are brainless insults and alt right talking points as a response when facts are presented regarding your fuhrer
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
5 y
SSgt Ray Stone - People like you get mad when others don't "play their game." So *you* in turn now are resorting to more idiotic comments (i.e. referring to the POTUS as a Nazi which just proves how disconnected from reality you are). I also never made any claims about the article you posted which you are telling me to "point out the lies" in it, and calling my posts "alt right talking points." You are just so feverishly in a hate-storm of anti-Trump rhetoric you completely glossed over that fact and are now seeing what you want to see (I am guessing that is nothing new for your based on your comments). For the record, "get a life" is not an insult, its a friendly suggestion. If you choose to continue on your "crazed Trump tirade" that is entirely up to you. You still have failed to demonstrate what you hope to gain by it. I suspect though its to call out like-minded lunatics such as yourself. Again, not an insult, I truly believe you are mentally ill.
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Sgt Kelli Mays
SSgt Ray Stone Just like the previous "Commandar in Chief" refused to do anything to HELP and PROTECT CRIMEA and let Russia jump into CRIMEA......take it over HOSTILELY...sat by and did nothing and let it happen. LTC Stephen F. Cpl (Join to see) Lt Col Charlie Brown
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
5 y
Trump has never met a DICTATOR he Doesn't LOVE (or want to BE). He's a CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER to the entire WORLD. Remember the love letters to Kim,and lying to the public stating NK is no longer a nuclear threat
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
5 y
Why do you think Russia is no longer in the G7?
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