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Responses: 8
CPT Jack Durish
Why must we have this discussion over and over ad naseum? Is there anyone who doesn't understand the concept? Hell no! Those who want to take away our guns understand it full well. More importantly, so do those who want to surrender theirs. So why don't we stop arguing it and focus on the real issues. Those who want to take away our guns want to rule over us. Those who want to surrender theirs want to be ruled. There's the discussion we need to have, the issues we need to address.
CW3 Michael Bodnar
CW3 Michael Bodnar
5 y
CPT Jack Durish What proponents of the left don't fully realize is that if you surrender your ability to defend yourself, you will become enslaved by the very people who feel you shouldn't have any weapons in your home to defend yourself. I feel a reason why our history lessons are being altered is because they don't want an educated society who will hold them in check. There's a reason guys like Hitler came into power and what's not being taught anymore is "how" he did it. We see other countries around the world with the issue of totalitarian dictatorships where their citizens are controlled and crushed by the government's rule. We often come to the defense of their citizens saying it's not right for them to be under the control of brutal regimes but we're on the path to become the very thing they don't want to see in other countries. It's hypocrisy at its finest but they fail to see it because they've been led to believe the left's way is the correct way.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
5 y
CW3 Michael Bodnar - Of course they realize it. Of course they are altering history lessons so that people won't be aware of the dangers of becoming subjects rather than citizens. Never underestimate your enemy. They're smarter than you want to think they are
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
If granted by the government, they can be taken away! Hell no.
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SFC Pete Kain
limits set on government , they get that confused and try to treat our rights as privileges .
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