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SSG Robert Webster
Now the 'gun control' advocates want it both ways in trying to assign blame. Sickening.
Inanimate objects do not kill by themselves (for the most part).

TDS has to be some type of personality disorder, because the behavior indicates a severe mental issue as indicated by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
>1 y
Cruz certainly exhibited "red flags" of the most concrete form -- acts of aggression and violence.
His proclaimed intent to obtain a gun was ignored -- "The report notes that Cruz said he plans to buy a gun, but “it is unknown what he is buying the gun for.” Did it not occur to anyone to ask him "what for"?
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
It is a play on words. What is mental illness? A few years ago, military persons becoming cilivians were considered a risk.
Our destruction of culture is causing the issues. A State within a State causes racism and large central government. Both are not what we hope for in American culture. Welfare has caused racism and larger government too. Destruction of the Black family...
The frog does not know why the water has gotten hotter. It only knows it is time to jump out. We have been marked for death as a nation for over 50 years. We are the last to go. Only the Deplorables, especially the nasty Red Neck Deplorables, who voter for Trump stand in the way of a CFR North American Union and global government.
Too many in government have sold out to an un-American agenda. See Moon Beam in CA as an example. The list is as long as my...
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent share from Time.com.
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