Posted on Jul 18, 2019
Colorado State University 'Inclusive Language Guide' discourages use of terms 'America' and...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 16
What a pile of BS, No other country has the word American in their name, We are the United States of America, I live here I was born here I'm an American. This University should maybe try an concentrate on Education instead of their warped perception of some snowflakes perceived feelings of how others may feel. I find their AH rule to be disgusting and offensive and No one is going to tell Me how to think and talk. Maybe We should cut off any funding that comes from the United States of America to this cesspool of education and lack of free thought ! After all I wouldn't want to send them a non inclusive language of the United States of America on a check from the Federal "American " Government !
SP5 Jeannie Carle
CW3 Harvey K. - A REAL possibility. Nope - past "possibility" - easing right up into fact.
CW3 Harvey K.
Cpl (Join to see) - Yes. That is unless WE do something to stop the madness. It's time those self-styled "Progressives" got a swift hard yank on their choke collar.
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
It is a shame that we no longer teach our children to reach for the stars... We teach them to be apologists, doormats and accept medicority as the norm
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