Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3

Why are #Jews drawn to #socialism?
The political compass of most Jews seems drawn to the Left as if it was the North Pole of ideology. Repeated failures of socialism throughout history does not seem to deter the children of Abraham...
For Christians, Jesus is the Word made flesh. That part of G-d the Father that creates. They are one and the same. G-d had to come into a human body, live a perfect life and be murdered as a scrifice for human sin. Because, breaking G-d's laws require a price. Good works do not get you a pass.
Therefore, G-d has stated man shall work for his bread. But not everyone can work and the Tower of Babel was destroyed, language was confused. So, man would have to populate the world as per the order. Countries?
Socialism, where the State is a god and the individual exists for the sake of the group. This is not G-d given rights to the individual. This reduses man to a cog in a wheel.
G-d is a Spirit. The only way to undertand G-d is spiritually. Even then, it is a learning curve. Human wisdom is foolishness to G-d the Father maker of Heaven and earth.
Jesus was not a socialist. He did not state humans should clash over meterial goods. He did not state they should be a thief. Socialists are thieves and take away what is not theirs. Christ is quite the opposite.
Thank you for asking Sir.
For Christians, Jesus is the Word made flesh. That part of G-d the Father that creates. They are one and the same. G-d had to come into a human body, live a perfect life and be murdered as a scrifice for human sin. Because, breaking G-d's laws require a price. Good works do not get you a pass.
Therefore, G-d has stated man shall work for his bread. But not everyone can work and the Tower of Babel was destroyed, language was confused. So, man would have to populate the world as per the order. Countries?
Socialism, where the State is a god and the individual exists for the sake of the group. This is not G-d given rights to the individual. This reduses man to a cog in a wheel.
G-d is a Spirit. The only way to undertand G-d is spiritually. Even then, it is a learning curve. Human wisdom is foolishness to G-d the Father maker of Heaven and earth.
Jesus was not a socialist. He did not state humans should clash over meterial goods. He did not state they should be a thief. Socialists are thieves and take away what is not theirs. Christ is quite the opposite.
Thank you for asking Sir.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Capt Gregory Prickett - I did not say a thing. I wrote it.
For someone who has blocked me, you appear to want to engauge with me on topics. Why is that? Is it your desire to attack me with your logic, or do you desire to tarnish the brightness of the truth of G-d?
For someone who has blocked me, you appear to want to engauge with me on topics. Why is that? Is it your desire to attack me with your logic, or do you desire to tarnish the brightness of the truth of G-d?
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Capt Gregory Prickett - "Further, how could an impersonal, purposeless, meaningless, and amoral universe result in beings who are full of personality and obsessed with purpose, meaning, and morals. Only mind can create mind. Non-life cannot produce life. Unconsciousness cannot produce consciousness. The only logical and reasonable conclusion is that an eternal Creator is the one who is responsible for the creation of the universe. The concept of an eternal universe has been philosophically and scientifically disproven. Therefore, an eternal Creator exists."
I suspect, anything I post will not help you. So, I wish you good fortune in your life.
I suspect, anything I post will not help you. So, I wish you good fortune in your life.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Pixies? LOL.
Like fairies? I do not know. But it is my understanding, G-d created us and the universe. Someday, I will try to remember to ask G-d that question.
Like fairies? I do not know. But it is my understanding, G-d created us and the universe. Someday, I will try to remember to ask G-d that question.
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