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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
We pulled out but supposedly the deal with the Europeans is still in force. We'll see. I bet France gets taken to the cleaners...they can talk but they have nothing to back up their words
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
5 y
The reason Europe has no teeth is the reason Iran will not respect the agreement with Europe.
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SSgt Ray Stone
Embarrassing France has to step up due to incompetent Trump reneging on the joint comprehensive plan of action nuclear deal.
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SFC Melvin Brandenburg
I'm not surprised that appeasers would think Iran would keep their word.
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
5 y
SSgt Ray Stone first of all, don't call me a liar. We have a difference of opinion. Have a little dignity. Second, just because you don't like Trump does not make everything he does bad, dishonest, or illegitimate. Third, if you can't understand the threat Iran poses I question your judgment.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
5 y
SFC Melvin Brandenburg - You said Iran received more than a billion dollars from us, or rather Obama, which is a lie you right wingers continue to spew as also said by the Liar in Chief. Don't be upset with me for exposing you, the fault lies with the Liar In Chief that brainwashed you into believing that crap
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
5 y
SSgt Ray Stone ok, we are done. I have nothing more. If you can't keep this civil and respectful, we have nothing to discuss. SMH
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
5 y
SFC Melvin Brandenburg - The money you speak of was money owed to the Iranians from Pre-Ayatollah times. Believe it or not at one point they were friendlies. As a matter of fact if you look at their air force you'll notice it has a lot of old US jets like the F-14 Tomcat. They were going to get that money back in international court regardless....plus interest. They WERE complying with the terms of the deal. Even the Trump administration admitted to that. The deal doesn't solve all problems. From my understanding it essentially pushed their nuclear program back 10 years by limiting the amount of uranium they could enrich. Five other countries signed on and confirmed that they were following the terms. Now Trump a man who lies just about every time he speaks claims they were breaking the deal.

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