Posted on May 22, 2019
Retired Navy SEAL who oversaw the 2011 Osama bin Laden raid says Trump 'needs to be very careful'...
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
Interesting observations...I've always found him quite extraordinary, candidly....
You mean like President Obama put his thumb on the scale for Comey and Clinton when he signaled that neither one of them would be prosecuted? Something like that? You think President Trump would stoop so low as to do something President Obama did? If that's what you think then say so.
SSG Robert Ricci
I am not naive to politics. But I find it sad that some people are so polarized buy a label that they have placed on them self to such an extreme like a liberal Democrat or Neocon Republican. They're just labels. People need the ability to look straight down the middle objectively and not subjectively through their politics. I am a conservative. I am more socially liberal and fiscally conservative to be more precise. I do my best to look straight down the middle to the extent that I was able to point out that's President Obama clearly put his thumb on the scales of justice with Lois Lerner, Ken Corbin, James Comey, and Hillary Clinton especially who he openly stated was innocent and would never be charged. That was sending a signal. Justice department, don't even try. President Trump saying that Roger Stone will be vindicated is not the same thing. He also hasn't said that he will pardon stone. He said just the opposite of President Obama when he said that he is waiting for the court to work through it. That's a substantial difference. If you're so far left on your politics that you can't see the difference that's on you. I am opinionated. I will admit that. But I try to be and informed person. I will research the topic in many cases before replying. And I don't use just one source like CNN or MSNBC. I use both left and right wing resources to get a better handle on a situation. Then I do my best to allow common sense to speak for me. If you still disagree with me that's fine. But harrassing comments really reflect more on you than they do on me.
For SSG Bob Ricci (who has blocked me)
"when he signaled that neither one of them would be prosecuted?"
Never happened!
"when he signaled that neither one of them would be prosecuted?"
Never happened!
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